2022 |
Nature Chemistry |
Lincoln, R., et al. |
A general design of caging-group-free photoactivatable fluorophores for live-cell nanoscopy |
2022 |
Sciences Advances |
Grabner, C. P., et al. |
Resolving the molecular architecture of the photoreceptor active zone with 3D-MINFLUX |
2022 |
Microscopy Today |
Finzel, L., et al. |
A Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Microscope of All Trades |
2022 |
Advanced Photonics |
Wang, W., et al. |
Dual-modulation difference stimulated emission depletion microscopy to suppress the background signal |
2022 |
Nature Communications |
Shashikanth, N., et al. |
Tight junction channel regulation by interclaudin interference |
2022 |
Chemical Science |
Heynck, L., et al. |
N-Cyanorhodamines: cell-permeant, photostable and bathochromically shifted analogues of fluoresceins |
2022 |
bioRxiv |
van den Berg, C. M., et al. |
CSPP1 stabilizes growing microtubule ends and damaged lattices from the luminal side |
2022 |
STAR protocols |
Bissen, D., et al. |
Expansion microscopy of mouse brain organotypic slice cultures to study protein distribution |
2022 |
Scientific Reports |
Weninger, G., et al. |
Calpain cleavage of Junctophilin-2 generates a spectrum of calcium-dependent cleavage products and DNA-rich NT1-fragment domains in cardiomyocytes |
2022 |
Journal of nanobiotechnology |
Bergstrand, J., et al. |
Fast, streamlined fluorescence nanoscopy resolves rearrangements of SNARE and cargo proteins in platelets co-incubated with cancer cells |
2022 |
Nature Chemistry |
Zhan, P., et al. |
Functional DNA-based cytoskeletons for synthetic cells |
2022 |
bioRxiv |
Kompa, J., et al. |
Exchangeable HaloTag Ligands (xHTLs) for multi-modal super-resolution fluorescence microscopy |
2022 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Holmes, J., et al. |
Voltammetric Approach for Characterizing the Biophysical and Chemical Functionality of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Serotonin Neurons |
2022 |
Nature communications |
Céspedes, P. F., et al. |
T-cell trans-synaptic vesicles are distinct and carry greater effector content than constitutive extracellular vesicles |
2022 |
Matrix Biology |
Wang, Y., et al. |
Heparan sulfate dependent binding of plasmatic von Willebrand factor to blood circulating melanoma cells attenuates metastasis |
2022 |
Nanomaterials |
Wang, M., et al. |
Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Cell Growth and Migration of A549 Cells under Simulated Microgravity |
2022 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Vigetti, L., et al. |
The BCC7 Protein Contributes to the Toxoplasma Basal Pole by Interfacing between the MyoC Motor and the IMC Membrane Network |
2022 |
Journal of Experimental Medicine |
Hanuscheck, N., et al. |
Interleukin-4 receptor signaling modulates neuronal network activity |
2022 |
PloS one |
Kopanchuk, S., et al. |
Intracellular dynamics of the Sigma-1 receptor observed with super-resolution imaging microscopy |
2022 |
Nature Communications |
Darnat, P., et al. |
Cortical Cyclin A controls spindle orientation during asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila |
2022 |
Nature Microbiology |
Li, W., et al. |
A splitCas9 phenotypic screen in Toxoplasma gondii identifies proteins involved in host cell egress and invasion |
2022 |
Biosensors |
Yan, W., et al. |
Multi-Color Two-Photon Microscopic Imaging Based on a Single-Wavelength Excitation |
2022 |
bioRxiv |
Cabirol, A., et al. |
Neural correlates for neonicotinoid-induced impairment of olfactory long-term memory |
2022 |
Cells |
Cresto, N., et al. |
Hippocampal Excitatory Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity Are Differentially Altered during Postnatal Development by Loss of the X-Linked Intellectual Disability Protein Oligophrenin-1 |
2022 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Solarska-Ściuk, K., et al. |
Identifying the Molecular Mechanisms and Types of Cell Death Induced by bio-and pyr-Silica Nanoparticles in Endothelial Cells |
2022 |
Qeios |
Ostrowska-Podhorodecka, Z., et al. |
Vimentin Regulates Collagen Remodeling Through Interaction with Myosin 10 |
2022 |
Nature communications |
Jiang, G., et al. |
A synergistic strategy to develop photostable and bright dyes with long Stokes shift for nanoscopy |
2022 |
International journal of molecular sciences |
Li, F., et al. |
A reliable approach for revealing molecular targets in secondary ion mass spectrometry |
2022 |
Nanophotonics |
Szafranska, K., et al. |
From fixed-dried to wet-fixed to live-comparative super-resolution microscopy of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrations |
2022 |
Cell Reports |
Meka, D. P., et al. |
Centrosome-dependent microtubule modifications set the conditions for axon formation |
2022 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
Lolicato, F., et al. |
Cholesterol promotes clustering of PI (4, 5) P2 driving unconventional secretion of FGF2 |
2022 |
Nanomaterials |
Leroux, M. M., et al. |
Aerosol–Cell Exposure System Applied to Semi-Adherent Cells for Aerosolization of Lung Surfactant and Nanoparticles Followed by High Quality RNA Extraction |
2022 |
Nature Machine Intelligence |
Bilodeau, A., et al. |
Microscopy analysis neural network to solve detection, enumeration and segmentation from image-level annotations |
2022 |
Microscopy Research and Technique |
Wang, Y., et al. |
Glucose increases the length and spacing of the lattice structure of the axon initial segment |
2022 |
EMBO reports |
Kehrer, J., et al. |
Plasmodium sporozoite disintegration during skin passage limits malaria parasite transmission |
2022 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
Vásquez-Limeta, A., et al. |
CPAP insufficiency leads to incomplete centrioles that duplicate but fragment |
2022 |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Hitschler, L., et al. |
The transmembrane domain of the amyloid precursor protein is required for anti-amyloidogenic processing by α-secretase ADAM10 |
2022 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
Zouiouich, M., et al. |
MOSPD2 is an endoplasmic reticulum–lipid droplet tether functioning in LD homeostasis |
2022 |
Cell Reports |
Almeida, A. C., et al. |
Augmin-dependent microtubule self-organization drives kinetochore fiber maturation in mammals |
2022 |
EMBO Molecular Medicine |
Ring, J., et al. |
The HSP40 chaperone Ydj1 drives amyloid beta 42 toxicity |
2022 |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science |
van der Haven, D. L., et al. |
Parameterless detection of liquid-liquid interfaces with sub-micron resolution in single-molecule localization microscopy |
2022 |
Journal of Cell Science |
Bachmann, M., et al. |
Phosphorylated paxillin and phosphorylated FAK constitute subregions within focal adhesions |
2022 |
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence |
Macmillan, A., et al. |
Lifetime based axial contrast enable simple 3D-STED imaging |
2022 |
STAR protocols |
Buettner, J. M., et al. |
Laser microscopy acquisition and analysis of premotor synapses in the murine spinal cord |
2022 |
International journal of molecular sciences |
Zwyrtková, J., et al. |
Draft Sequencing Crested Wheatgrass Chromosomes Identified Evolutionary Structural Changes and Genes and Facilitated the Development of SSR Markers |
2022 |
Scientific reports |
Reppert, N., et al. |
A conserved sequence in the small intracellular loop of tetraspanins forms an M-shaped inter-helix turn |
2022 |
Nature Cell Biology |
Lv, J., et al. |
Gasdermin E mediates resistance of pancreatic adenocarcinoma to enzymatic digestion through a YBX1–mucin pathway |
2022 |
DNA repair |
Hornofova, T., et al. |
Phospho-SIM and exon8b of PML protein regulate formation of doxorubicin-induced rDNA-PML compartment |
2022 |
Bioconjugate Chemistry |
Mussini, A., et al. |
Versatile Supramolecular Complex for Targeted Antimicrobial Photodynamic Inactivation |
2022 |
Glycobiology |
Lin, T., et al. |
Lack of N-glycosylation increases Amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein |
2022 |
Europe PMC |
Schmied, L., et al. |
Control of NK cell tolerance in MHC class I-deficiency by regulated SHP-1 localization to the activating immune synapse |
2022 |
Neuron |
Upmanyu, N., et al. |
Colocalization of different neurotransmitter transporters on synaptic vesicles is sparse except for VGLUT1 and ZnT3 |
2022 |
Scientific reports |
Marsal, M., et al. |
Multiple asters organize the yolk microtubule network during dclk2-GFP zebrafish epiboly |
2022 |
Annals of Neurology |
Joubert, B., et al. |
Human CASPR2 antibodies reversibly alter memory and the CASPR2 protein complex |
2022 |
APL Photonics |
Heffernan, B. M., et al. |
Two-photon, fiber-coupled, super-resolution microscope for biological imaging |
2022 |
The Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Andersen, R. C., et al. |
Coding variants identified in diabetic patients alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis |
2022 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Chamachi, N., et al. |
Chaperones Skp and SurA dynamically expand unfolded OmpX and synergistically disassemble oligomeric aggregates |
2022 |
Biomolecules |
Bernegger, S., et al. |
E-Cadherin Orthologues as Substrates for the Serine Protease High Temperature Requirement A (HtrA) |
2022 |
Computer Physics Communications |
Caprile, F., et al. |
PyFocus a Python package for vectorial calculations of focused optical fields under realistic conditions. Application to toroidal foci |
2022 |
Nature communications |
Chang, H. F., et al. |
Identification of distinct cytotoxic granules as the origin of supramolecular attack particles in T lymphocytes |
2022 |
Analysis & Sensing |
Chen, F., et al. |
Rhodamine Fluorophores for STED Super‐Resolution Biological Imaging |
2022 |
Science advances |
Baudrimont, A., et al. |
Release of CHK-2 from PPM-1.D anchorage schedules meiotic entry |
2022 |
Genes |
Shani-Zerbib, L., et al. |
Canalized Morphogenesis Driven by Inherited Tissue Asymmetries in Hydra Regeneration |
2022 |
Cell Reports |
Mazuelas, H., et al. |
Modeling iPSC-derived human neurofibroma-like tumors in mice uncovers the heterogeneity of Schwann cells within plexiform neurofibromas |
2022 |
Cancers |
Quinet, G., et al. |
Constitutive Activation of p62/Sequestosome-1-Mediated Proteaphagy Regulates Proteolysis and Impairs Cell Death in Bortezomib-Resistant Mantle Cell Lymphoma |
2022 |
The EMBO Journal |
Hoehne, M. N., et al. |
Spatial and temporal control of mitochondrial H2O2 release in intact human cells |
2022 |
Biophysical Journal |
Brandstetter, K., et al. |
Differences in nanoscale organization of regulatory active and inactive human chromatin |
2022 |
Nature Communications |
Cheung, G., et al. |
Physiological synaptic activity and recognition memory require astroglial glutamine |
2022 |
Annual Review of Biophysics |
Liu, S., et al. |
Super-Resolution Microscopy for Structural Cell Biology |
2022 |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Yelland, T., et al. |
Stabilization of the RAS: PDE6D Complex Is a Novel Strategy to Inhibit RAS Signaling |
2022 |
Elife |
Jalalvand, E., et al. |
ExSTED microscopy reveals contrasting functions of dopamine and somatostatin CSF-c neurons along the lamprey central canal |
2022 |
Scientific Reports |
Reindl, J., et al. |
Dosimetry of heavy ion exposure to human cells using nanoscopic imaging of double strand break repair protein clusters |
2022 |
Cells |
Biernatowska, A., et al. |
MPP1 Determines the Mobility of Flotillins and Controls the Confinement of Raft-Associated Molecules |
2022 |
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology |
Miranda, A., et al. |
Poly-L-Lysine and human plasmatic fibronectin films as proactive coatings to improve implants biointegration |
2022 |
Aging (Albany NY) |
Haroon, M., et al. |
Reduced growth rate of aged muscle stem cells is associated with impaired mechanosensitivity |
2022 |
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology |
Brandenburg, S., et al. |
A junctional cAMP compartment regulates rapid Ca2+ signaling in atrial myocytes |
2022 |
Scientific reports |
Hernández-Pérez, S., et al. |
A specific hybridisation internalisation probe (SHIP) enables precise live-cell and super-resolution imaging of internalized cargo |
2022 |
Nature communications |
Lagonegro, P., et al. |
Synthetic recovery of impulse propagation in myocardial infarction via silicon carbide semiconductive nanowires |
2022 |
Current Protocols |
Aranaz‐Novaliches, G., et al. |
Multi‐Level Approach for Comprehensive Enamel Phenotyping |
2022 |
Science advances |
Scaramuzzino, C., et al. |
Calcineurin and huntingtin form a calcium-sensing machinery that directs neurotrophic signals to the nucleus |
2022 |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes |
Sezgin, E., et al. |
Giant plasma membrane vesicles to study plasma membrane structure and dynamics |
2022 |
Optics Express |
Kratz, J., et al. |
ISM-assisted tomographic STED microscopy |
2022 |
In Fluorescent Microscopy (pp. 3-39). Humana |
Swift, L. H., et al. |
Fluorescence Microscopy: A Field Guide for Biologists |
2022 |
In Fluorescent Microscopy (pp. 253-270). Humana |
Alshafie, W., et al. |
Sample Preparation for Multicolor STED Microscopy |
2021 |
Elife |
Dennerlein, S., et al. |
Defining the interactome of the human mitochondrial ribosome identifies SMIM4 and TMEM223 as respiratory chain assembly factors |
2021 |
The Journal of pathology |
Stehr, A. M., et al. |
Neutrophil extracellular traps drive epithelial‐mesenchymal transition of human colon cancer |
2021 |
Kidney International |
Koehler, S., et al. |
Scaffold polarity proteins Par3A and Par3B share redundant functions while Par3B acts independent of atypical protein kinase C/Par6 in podocytes to maintain the kidney filtration barrier |
2021 |
iScience |
Gdaniec, B. G., et al. |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnolipid micelles deliver toxic metabolites and antibiotics into Staphylococcus aureus |
2021 |
Nature Methods |
Frei, M. S., et al. |
Engineered HaloTag variants for fluorescence lifetime multiplexing |
2021 |
iScience |
Marty, F. H., et al. |
Borna disease virus docks on neuronal DNA double-strand breaks to replicate and dampens neuronal activity |
2021 |
Science Advances |
Huebinger, J., et al. |
Ultrarapid cryo-arrest of living cells on a microscope enables multiscale imaging of out-of-equilibrium molecular patterns |
2021 |
Journal of Cell Science |
Tsai, M. C., et al. |
DHA-phospholipids control membrane fusion and transcellular tunnel dynamics |
2021 |
Biophysical Reports |
Carravilla, P., et al. |
Long-term STED imaging of membrane packing and dynamics by exchangeable polarity-sensitive dyes |
2021 |
Nature Cell Biology |
König, T., et al. |
MIROs and DRP1 drive mitochondrial-derived vesicle biogenesis and promote quality control |
2021 |
Frontiers in endocrinology |
Agwuegbo, U. T., et al. |
Differential FSH glycosylation modulates FSHR oligomerization and subsequent cAMP signaling |
2021 |
The Journal of physiology |
Joshi, Y., et al. |
VGLUT3‐p. A211V variant fuses stereocilia bundles and elongates synaptic ribbons |
2021 |
Applied and environmental microbiology |
Beer, T., et al. |
Quantification and surface localization of the hemolysin A type 1 secretion system at the endogenous level and under conditions of overexpression |
2021 |
Scientific Reports |
Sato, Y., et al. |
Nonspecific binding of common anti-CFTR antibodies in ciliated cells of human airway epithelium |
2021 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Subach, O. M., et al. |
LSSmScarlet, dCyRFP2s, dCyOFP2s and CRISPRed2s, Genetically Encoded Red Fluorescent Proteins with a Large Stokes Shift |
2021 |
Nano Research |
Wang, L., et al. |
Low-power STED nanoscopy based on temporal and spatial modulation |
2021 |
Cell reports |
Brüser, C., et al. |
The TFAM-to-mtDNA ratio defines inner-cellular nucleoid populations with distinct activity levels |
2021 |
The EMBO Journal |
Kanamaru, T., et al. |
Balancing the length of the distal tip by septins is key for stability and signalling function of primary cilia |
2021 |
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology |
Traynor, S., et al. |
SSX2 promotes the formation of a novel type of intranuclear lamin bodies |
2021 |
PLoS pathogens |
Bekere, I., et al. |
Yersinia remodels epigenetic histone modifications in human macrophages |
2021 |
Science Signaling |
Gu, F., et al. |
Dual NADPH oxidases DUOX1 and DUOX2 synthesize NAADP and are necessary for Ca2+ signaling during T cell activation |
2022 |
Life science alliance |
Aaltonen, M. J., et al. |
Serine palmitoyltransferase assembles at ER–mitochondria contact sites |
2021 |
Pharmaceuticals |
Kanagasundaram, T., et al. |
Radiolabeled Silicon-Rhodamines as Bimodal PET/SPECT-NIR Imaging Agents |
2021 |
ACS Chemical Biology |
Gerasimaitė, R., et al. |
Blinking Fluorescent Probes for Tubulin Nanoscopy in Living and Fixed Cells |
2021 |
Nature Reviews Neuroscience |
Padmanabhan, P., et al. |
Super-resolution microscopy: a closer look at synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer disease |
2021 |
Traffic |
Wagner, K., et al. |
Phospholipase D and retromer promote recycling of TRPL ion channel via the endoplasmic reticulum |
2021 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Butkevich, A. N., et al. |
Photoactivatable Fluorescent Dyes with Hydrophilic Caging Groups and Their Use in Multicolor Nanoscopy |
2021 |
Food Structure |
Hohlbein, J., et al. |
Single-molecule localisation microscopy as an emerging tool to probe multiscale food structures |
2021 |
Journal of Cell Science |
Markworth, R., et al. |
Tubular microdomains of Rab7-endosomes retrieve TrkA, a mechanism disrupted in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B |
2021 |
In Emerging Trends in Chemical Applications of Lasers (pp. 255-276). American Chemical Society. |
Willets, K. A., et al. |
Emerging Trends in Super-resolution Imaging: How Lasers Light the Way |
2021 |
Food Structure |
Foroutanparsa, S., et al. |
Super resolution microscopy imaging of pH induced changes in the microstructure of casein micelles |
2021 |
Applied Physics Letters |
Joshi, P., et al. |
Adaptable single molecule localization microscopy (aSMLM) for superresolution optical fluorescence imaging |
2021 |
Cell |
Cruz-Zaragoza, L. D., et al. |
An in vitro system to silence mitochondrial gene expression |
2021 |
Food Hydrocolloids |
Bonilla, J. C., et al. |
Super-resolution microscopy to visualize and quantify protein microstructural organization in food materials and its relation to rheology: Egg white proteins |
2021 |
EMBO Molecular Medicine |
Islam, M. R., et al. |
A microRNA signature that correlates with cognition and is a target against cognitive decline |
2021 |
Translational Psychiatry |
Goldberg, M., et al. |
Exercise as a model to identify microRNAs linked to human cognition: a role for microRNA-409 and microRNA-501 |
2021 |
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical |
Ruiz-Arias, Á., et al. |
A FRET Pair for Quantitative and Superresolution Imaging of Amyloid Fibril Formation |
2021 |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
Koganezawa, N., et al. |
Super-resolved 3D-STED microscopy identifies a layer-specific increase in excitatory synapses in the hippocampal CA1 region of Neuroligin-3 KO mice |
2021 |
Matter |
Chen, Y., et al. |
Empowering single-molecule analysis with self-assembled DNA nanostructures |
2021 |
Advanced Functional Materials |
Shanbhag, B. K., et al. |
Custom Design of Protein Particles as Multifunctional Biomaterials |
2021 |
Cell Reports |
Borgmeyer, M., et al. |
Multiomics of synaptic junctions reveals altered lipid metabolism and signaling following environmental enrichment |
2021 |
Biophysics Reports |
Lusheng, G., et al. |
Recent progress on single-molecule localization microscopy |
2021 |
Nature Communications |
Gomkale, R., et al. |
Mapping protein interactions in the active TOM-TIM23 supercomplex |
2021 |
bioRxiv |
Carsten, A., et al. |
Visualization of bacterial type 3 secretion system components down to the molecular level by MINFLUX nanoscopy |
2021 |
Molecular Systems Biology |
Pancholi, A., et al. |
RNA polymerase II clusters form in line with surface condensation on regulatory chromatin |
2021 |
Cells |
Freitas, R. O., et al. |
Nano-Infrared Imaging of Primary Neurons |
2021 |
BMC biology |
Petkova-Tuffy, A., et al. |
Neuroligin-1 mediates presynaptic maturation through brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling |
2021 |
iScience |
Rujas, E., et al. |
Focal accumulation of aromaticity at the CDRH3 loop mitigates 4E10 polyreactivity without altering its HIV neutralization profile |
2021 |
Development |
Basta, L. P., et al. |
New mouse models for high resolution and live imaging of planar cell polarity proteins in vivo |
2021 |
In Cytoskeleton (pp. 3-24). Humana |
Wöllert, T., et al. |
Super-Resolution Imaging of the Actin Cytoskeleton in Living Cells Using TIRF-SIM |
2021 |
Analytical Biochemistry |
Schmidt, C., et al. |
Fluorescence-encoded Poly (methyl metharcylate) nanoparticles for a lateral flow assay detecting IgM autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis |
2021 |
Human Genetics |
Schmidt, J., et al. |
Biallelic variants in YRDC cause a developmental disorder with progeroid features |
2021 |
Cells |
Mangold, N., et al. |
The Atypical Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) Guards Podocytes from Apoptosis in Glomerular Disease While Being Dispensable for Podocyte Development |
2021 |
Life Science Alliance |
Simon, C. S., et al. |
An extended DNA-free intranuclear compartment organizes centrosome microtubules in malaria parasites |
2021 |
Biology of the Cell |
Liouta, K., et al. |
Role of regulatory C‐terminal motifs in synaptic confinement of LRRTM2 |
2021 |
BMC biology |
Tůmová, P., et al. |
Inheritance of the reduced mitochondria of Giardia intestinalis is coupled to the flagellar maturation cycle |
2021 |
Development |
Boka, A. P., et al. |
Single-molecule tracking technologies for quantifying the dynamics of gene regulation in cells, tissue and embryos |
2021 |
Microscopy Research and Technique |
Xu, X., et al. |
A protocol for single‐source dual‐pulse stimulated emission depletion setup with Bessel modulation |
2021 |
Nature |
Wiktor, J., et al. |
RecA finds homologous DNA by reduced dimensionality search |
2021 |
Biomedical Optics Express |
Mur, J., et al. |
Method for controlled tissue theranostics using a single tunable laser source |
2021 |
Scientific Reports |
Sertel, S. M., et al. |
Differences in synaptic vesicle pool behavior between male and female hippocampal cultured neurons |
2021 |
Nucleic Acids Research |
Vrielynck, N., et al. |
Conservation and divergence of meiotic DNA double strand break forming mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2021 |
Current Protocols |
Valli, J., et al. |
Super‐Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Methods for Assessing Mouse Biology |
2021 |
Cell Host & Microbe |
Bou-Nader, C., et al. |
HIV-1 matrix-tRNA complex structure reveals basis for host control of Gag localization |
2021 |
ACS Measurement Science Au |
Zheng, Y. N., et al. |
Dynamic Visualization and Quantification of Single Vesicle Opening and Content by Coupling Vesicle Impact Electrochemical Cytometry with Confocal Microscopy |
2021 |
Kidney International |
Butt, L., et al. |
A mathematical estimation of the physical forces driving podocyte detachment |
2021 |
Nature Communications |
Schützmann, M. P., et al. |
Endo-lysosomal Aβ concentration and pH trigger formation of Aβ oligomers that potently induce Tau missorting |
2021 |
Microscopy Today |
Rehman, J., et al. |
See You at the Molecular Scale |
2021 |
Cell Death & Disease |
Bernhem, K., et al. |
Super-resolution microscopy reveals that Na+/K+-ATPase signaling protects against glucose-induced apoptosis by deactivating Bad |
2021 |
Angewandte Chemie |
Schneider, A. F. L., et al. |
Cell‐Permeable Nanobodies Allow Dual‐Color Super‐Resolution Microscopy in Untransfected Living Cells |
2021 |
STAR protocols |
Kedia, S., et al. |
Quantifying molecular aggregation by super resolution microscopy within an excitatory synapse from mouse hippocampal neurons |
2021 |
ACS Photonics |
Descloux, A. C., et al. |
Experimental Combination of Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging with Structured Illumination Microscopy for Large Fields-of-View |
2021 |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes |
Urbach, J., et al. |
Conserved GxxxG and WN motifs of MIC13 are essential for bridging two MICOS subcomplexes |
2021 |
Cells |
Yousefi, R., et al. |
Influence of subcellular localization and functional state on protein turnover |
2021 |
Neuropharmacology |
Szabó, Í., et al. |
N, N-Dimethyltryptamine attenuates spreading depolarization and restrains neurodegeneration by sigma-1 receptor activation in the ischemic rat brain |
2021 |
PLoS biology |
Orlando, M., et al. |
Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons |
2021 |
bio-101 |
Ngo, K. X., et al. |
Electroformation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles and A Case Study of the Specific Host-Toxin Interaction of Lipid Membranes with Cassiicolin |
2021 |
Neurophotonics |
Bancelin, S., et al. |
Aberration correction in stimulated emission depletion microscopy to increase imaging depth in living brain tissue |
2021 |
Cell Reports |
Willig, K. I., et al. |
Multi-label in vivo STED microscopy by parallelized switching of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins |
2021 |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B |
Gonzalez Pisfil, M., et al. |
Triple-Color STED Nanoscopy: Sampling Absorption Spectra Differences for Efficient Linear Species Unmixing |
2021 |
Communications biology |
Prudent, V., et al. |
The Crohn’s disease-related bacterial strain LF82 assembles biofilm-like communities to protect itself from phagolysosomal attack |
2021 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Garrido-Charles, A., et al. |
Fast Photoswitchable Molecular Prosthetics Control Neuronal Activity in the Cochlea |
2021 |
Glia |
Welle, A., et al. |
Epigenetic control of region‐specific transcriptional programs in mouse cerebellar and cortical astrocytes |
2021 |
Science advances |
Moro, A., et al. |
Dynamin controls neuropeptide secretion by organizing dense-core vesicle fusion sites |
2021 |
ACS nano |
Konen, T., et al. |
The Positive Switching Fluorescent Protein Padron2 Enables Live-Cell Reversible Saturable Optical Linear Fluorescence Transitions (RESOLFT) Nanoscopy without Sequential Illumination Steps |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Wood, A. J., et al. |
FKRP-dependent glycosylation of fibronectin regulates muscle pathology in muscular dystrophy |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Fläschner, G., et al. |
Rheology of rounded mammalian cells over continuous high-frequencies |
2021 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
Meitinger, F., et al. |
TRIM37 prevents formation of condensate-organized ectopic spindle poles to ensure mitotic fidelity |
2021 |
Engineering |
Wang, Y., et al. |
Fluorescence nanoscopy in neuroscience |
2021 |
Free Radical Biology and Medicine |
Prescher, N., et al. |
The migration behavior of human glioblastoma cells is influenced by the redox-sensitive human macrophage capping protein CAPG |
2021 |
Virologie |
Arone, C., et al. |
Illuminating the nanoscopic world of viruses by fluorescence super-resolution microscopy |
2021 |
Cancer research |
Matthias, J., et al. |
Cytoplasmic localization of prostate-specific membrane antigen inhibitors may confer advantages for targeted cancer therapies |
2021 |
Acta neuropathologica communications |
Marks, D., et al. |
Amyloid precursor protein elevates fusion of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies in human hippocampal areas with high plaque load |
2021 |
Chemistry |
Grimm, F., et al. |
Rhodamines with a Chloronicotinic Acid Fragment for Live Cell Superresolution STED Microscopy |
2021 |
Communications biology |
Sajman, J., et al. |
Adhering interacting cells to two opposing coverslips allows super-resolution imaging of cell-cell interfaces |
2021 |
Histochemistry and Cell Biology |
Zhou, L., et al. |
Binding of gephyrin to microtubules is regulated by its phosphorylation at Ser270 |
2021 |
Scientific reports |
Soliman, K., et al. |
Predicting the membrane permeability of organic fluorescent probes by the deep neural network based lipophilicity descriptor DeepFl-LogP |
2021 |
Nature Computational Science |
Tameling, C., et al. |
Colocalization for super-resolution microscopy via optimal transport |
2021 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Capilla-Pérez, L., et al. |
The synaptonemal complex imposes crossover interference and heterochiasmy in Arabidopsis |
2021 |
Cell Reports |
Jähne, S., et al. |
Presynaptic activity and protein turnover are correlated at the single-synapse level |
2021 |
PloS Pathogens |
Diehl, M., et al. |
Co-chaperone involvement in knob biogenesis implicates host-derived chaperones in malaria virulence |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Prieto, M., et al. |
Missense mutation of Fmr1 results in impaired AMPAR-mediated plasticity and socio-cognitive deficits in mice |
2021 |
Viruses |
Chojnacki, J., et al. |
Super-Resolution STED Microscopy-Based Mobility Studies of the Viral Env Protein at HIV-1 Assembly Sites of Fully Infected T-Cells |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Eshraghi, M., et al. |
Mutant Huntingtin stalls ribosomes and represses protein synthesis in a cellular model of Huntington disease |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Schmidt, R., et al. |
MINFLUX nanometer-scale 3D imaging and microsecond-range tracking on a common fluorescence microscope |
2021 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Fukaya, R., et al. |
Rapid Ca2+ channel accumulation contributes to cAMP-mediated increase in transmission at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses |
2021 |
Nature communications |
Hilbert, L., et al. |
Transcription organizes euchromatin via microphase separation |
2021 |
Bioorganic Chemistry |
Biagiotti, G., et al. |
Combining cross-coupling reaction and Knoevenagel condensation in the synthesis of glyco-BODIPY probes for DC-SIGN super-resolution bioimaging |
2021 |
Chromosome Research |
Ferreira, L. T., et al. |
SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 are CLASP-interacting proteins required for faithful chromosome segregation in human cells |
2021 |
Scientific reports |
Malek, N., et al. |
The origin of the expressed retrotransposed gene ACTBL2 and its influence on human melanoma cells’ motility and focal adhesion formation |
2021 |
The Plant Cell |
Kurzbauer, M. T., et al. |
ATM controls meiotic DNA double-strand break formation and recombination and affects synaptonemal complex organization in plants |
2021 |
Journal of Cell Biology |
Tian, Y., et al. |
Superresolution characterization of core centriole architecture |
2021 |
Small |
Hebisch, E., et al. |
Nanostraw‐Assisted Cellular Injection of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds via Direct Membrane Opening |
2021 |
IScience |
Kedia, S., et al. |
Alteration in synaptic nanoscale organization dictates amyloidogenic processing in Alzheimer’s disease |
2021 |
Nano Select |
Garvas, M., et al. |
Single cell temperature probed by Eu+ 3 doped TiO2 nanoparticles luminescence |
2021 |
Journal of extracellular vesicles |
Benet, S., et al. |
Dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated to a SIGLEC1 null variant that limits antigen exchange via trafficking extracellular vesicles |