Measuring the physics of life – Biophysics

Biophysics applies approaches and methods traditionally used in physics to biological phenomena. It intersects with other disciplines such as biochemistry, molecular biology, and neuroscience. Biophysical research focuses on phenomena like electric current, for example in muscle tissue or neurons, temperature, molecular diffusion, mechanical stress, or structural dynamics to understand life’s underlying physical principles.

Another field of research is the development of biomaterials. Thanks to the advances in resolution, light microscopy plays an increasingly important role in biophysics. MINFLUX is nowadays applied for the study of structural dynamics in proteins and has been used to track the walk of kinesin-1 along axons and to dissect the movement of the PIEZO1 membrane channel in response to mechanical stimuli, to name just two examples.

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Following the forces at work

Flexible intruments for interdisciplinary resaearch

The image shows the tracks of a lipid-coupled Atto 647N molecule embedded in a supported lipid bilayer recorded with MINFLUX. The movement of the labeled lipid was tracked with a frequency of up to 10 kHz. More than most other disciplines, biophysics relies on highly precise instruments and sensitive detectors to be able to record subtle changes of the parameters under study. Microscopes need to be suited for live cell imaging and fast enough to capture dynamic processes within cells and tissues. abberior offers microscopes of superior quality in all components and their interplay. Supreme optics meet pulsed lasers and highly sensitive detectors.

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MINFLUX – unrivaled resolution and speed

iMSPECTOR for MINFLUX software

The MINFLUX platform offers an unprecedented array of imaging possibilities and allows you to resolve viruses and even single molecules like capsid proteins along all three dimensions.
This unmatched resolution capability combined with unprecedented speed reveals sample details never seen before and helps to dissect fast and dynamic cellular processes in space and time. Details >

INFINITY – forever cutting edge


The INFINITY platform is the most customizable platform for all things microscopy and may be adapted to your particular demands in virological imaging. Optimize your microscope for the imaging of anything from subcellular structures to complex tissue. Even the most sophisticated biophysical experiment will become possible with INFINITY. Just tell us what you need and we will build you a customized, continuously upgradable system specialized for your research. Details >

FACILITY – when every detail matters

LiGHTBOX for FACILITY software

Our FACILITY platform offers you a workhorse instrument that boasts top-of-the-line superresolution STED and confocal imaging. It combines cutting-edge microscopy with unprecedented ease-of-use. Our LiGHTBOX software allows beginners to intuitively arrive at a top-notch image within three clicks, while also giving experts full control over the instrument. Details >

STEDYCON – rocks the microscope

STEDYCON smart control software

The STEDYCON upgrades your existing widefield system to a confocal microscope and STED nanoscope with a resolution down to 30 nm. All that’s required is a free camera port and a good objective lens. With its super-intuitive user interface, the STEDYCON provides an intelligent microscope platform that enables everyone to acquire superb superresolution images after only minutes of training. Details >

Cutting-edge tools

to change the game

MINFLUX tracking of kinesin in living cells. Shown is the sum of all localized events (gray dots) and the trajectory of a kinesin molecule (orange line plot). Truncated kinesin-1 (HaloTag-K560) was labeled with JF646- HaloTag ligand in living U2OS cells treated with Taxol.

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Choose a superpower for your experiment – our modules

Configuring your microscope according to your specific needs is essential. Every MINFLUX, INFINITY, and FACILITY microscope can be upgraded with modules to overcome the specific imaging challenges in your research. You may, for instance, use TIMEBOW Imaging to monitor changes in a fluorophore’s nano-environment. FLEXPOSURE adaptive illumination may reduce the light burden on your sample by orders of magnitude, facilitating long live cell imaging sessions with little photobleaching or phototoxic effects. Autofocus and Autoalignment for all beams including STED guarantee best-possible imaging conditions at all times. And if you can’t find what you need on our website, get in touch with us, and we’ll develop it for you.

Background-free MATRIX STED image of actin in microvilli of Caco2 cells

MATRIX Detector

Many eyes see more than one. The MATRIX detector drastically improves signal-to-background ratio, resolution, and dynamic range.

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TIMEBOW lifetime imaging for stunning results at confocal and STED super-resolution.

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Neurons stained for spectrin and adducine

FLEXPOSURE Illumination

Brings down the light dose on your sample and lables dramatically. Key ingredient for volume and live-cell superresolution.

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xz section of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo, stained for chitin and DNA


Dynamic aberration correction with a deformable mirror over about 200 µm z-range. 140 digital actuators adjust the mirror surface within milliseconds.

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Axial STED image of actin in mouse inner ear hair cells


3D-STED and aberration control, the easy way

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Three-color STED image of microtubules, myosin and actin in the growth cone of a neuron's axon

RAINBOW Detection

Continuously variable spectral detection.

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STED Lasers

All-pulsed STED lasers for maximum resolution and minimal bleaching.

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Every beam in order, including pinhole and STED-shape

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Continuous focus-lock, even with STED

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Excitation Lasers

Pulsed excitation lasers for virtually every wavelength.

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Things to make your life easier

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Custom upright 3D STED microscope by abberior

Custom Solutions

We offer solutions for even the most challenging applications. Everything that can be done, we will do.

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Broaden your knowledge

of microscopes, dyes, and superresolution

If you want to make your theoretical expertise on light microscopy grow, check out our knowledge base! It covers a vast range of topics from the very basics like “what is resolution?” or “how to measure resolution?” to sophisticated solutions for common imaging problems such as bleaching or challenges in staining. We invite you to read and learn!

Movement of fluorophore-labeled 30S ribosomes (colored) in two E. coli bacteria (grayscale) tracked with MINFLUX.

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How the donut changed the world

Nobel laureate Stefan W. Hell shows a donut, the symbol for his groundbreaking idea of a donut-shaped laser beam.

For over a century, we stood at the edge of microscope resolution and cursed the inexorable blur of diffracted light. Instruments improved, but the fog never lifted. Then, one man stopped trying to control how light behaves. Armed with a donut-shaped laser beam, he instead commanded where it shines and untethered resolution forever. Details >

Superresolution for biology: when size, time, and context matter

Superresolution for biology: when size, time, and context matter

The spatial resolution achievable with today’s light microscopes has unveiled life at the scale of individual molecules. Size is no longer a barrier to seeing biology at the most fundamental level. But life is not static. It emerges from movement and change. How do superresolution technologies hold up to the challenges of documenting dynamic biological mechanisms? Details >

Additional information and articles

TIMEBOW Lifetime Imaging – gives time color

Explore abberior’s TIMEBOW lifetime toolbox with our application experts Julia Menzel and Jan-Gero Schloetel.

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2D MINFLUX image of nuclear pore complex subunits. Fixed mammalian cells expressing SNAP-tag® NUP96 were labeled with abberior FLUX 647 SNAP.

abberior FLUX special

Unlock the full potential of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) with our abberior FLUX dyes.

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MINFLUX webinar – Tracking with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution!

Thanks MINFLUX it’s possible to track the movement of individual molecules in the cell, e.g. kinesin. See what EMBL scientists have achieved.

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Live-cell imaging – nanometer-sized fluorescent probes & tags

Ivana Nikić-Spiegel & Gražvydas Lukinavičius are giving a deeper inside of the design & use of nanometer-sized molecular probes for labeling living probes.

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