iMSPECTOR Software

Made to unleash
the power of MINFLUX
The hardware of our MINFLUX microscope is directly operated by the iMSPECTOR hardware control for MINFLUX. Mounted on top is the user interface iMSPECTOR for MINFLUX, which is tailored to the needs of the plattform’s unique abilities. Go ahead and take control of single-digit nanometer measurements and millisecond tracking.

iMSPECTOR for MINFLUX user interface
The most important parameters for your MINFLUX measurement are grouped in individual dialogues. The blinking window provides a live view of the fluorescence emitted from your sample. This way, you get information about the blinking behavior at any given moment.

The blinking window shows you the fluorescence activity of your sample.
When dealing with measurements of nanometer precision, sample stability is the basic requirement. The stabilization window shows you whether your sample is anchored. With the two stabilization systems installed in our MINFLUX system, 0.2 nanometers are possible under ideal conditions.

The stabilization window shows that the sample is sufficiently anchored for accurate nanometer measurements.
The two windows MINFLUX acquisition and MINFLUX data panel summarize the most important settings for your measurement. Of course, you can always add additional windows to fine-tune even more parameters as desired.

Imaging or tracking
both, that’s no question!
MINFLUX is well-known for its revolutionary spatial and temporal resolution. Our software allows you to switch between molecular imaging and tracking at the push of a button. And in order to render 3D images (live!) and process your MINFLUX imaging data, use the convenient one-click bridge to the open-source software ParaView.

With ParaView, 3D rendering your MINFLUX data is a piece of cake.

Full control
down to the last setting
Our INFINITY platform is highly customizable and upgradable. Such tailor-made hardware requires equally tailor-made software that gives you full control over any setting you might wish for to push the limits of your imaging.
The INFINITY’s hardware is directly operated by the iMSPECTOR hardware control. Layered on top of it is the main user interface, iMSPECTOR for INFINITY, which provides low-level control of any custom hardware – the options are virtually unlimited, as befits this microscope. At the same time, it presents all high-level functions required for imaging to the user: 1D to 4D-recording in confocal and STED-mode combined with advanced processing. Part of the iMSPECTOR software is a module called easyCommander, which unites the most important parameters of your experiment. Another possibility to drive the INFINITY is through Python Remote Control, which directly connects to the hardware control and allows you to run custom Python (and Matlab) scripts. And then, there is also the option to switch to the user-friendly LiGHTBOX, which makes operation the most easy job, but which is limited to the functionality of the FACILITY hardware subset.

The iMSPECTOR user interface for INFINITY
Part of iMSPECTOR is easyCommander, which summarizes the most important settings to simplify your workflow. It helps you get things done intuitively: At the push of a button, it automatically applies individual dye- and sample-based settings to get the best out of your sample, while maintaining full flexibility for optimization.

Another option to customize your image acquisition is running scripts from Python, MatLab, or C with the Python Remote Control.
And if you ever feel like leaning back and having it the easy way: rest assured, our highly user-friendly LiGHTBOX software also runs on the INFINITY (but only on the FACILITY hardware subset).