Publications with

Below you find a list of selected publications that were published with the help of our microscopes and dyes.

our products

Year Journal Author Title Microscope|Dye
2021 Molecular Systems Biology Pancholi, A., et al. RNA polymerase II clusters form in line with surface condensation on regulatory chromatin
2021 Cells Freitas, R. O., et al. Nano-Infrared Imaging of Primary Neurons
2021 BMC biology Petkova-Tuffy, A., et al. Neuroligin-1 mediates presynaptic maturation through brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling
2021 iScience Rujas, E., et al. Focal accumulation of aromaticity at the CDRH3 loop mitigates 4E10 polyreactivity without altering its HIV neutralization profile
2021 Development Basta, L. P., et al. New mouse models for high resolution and live imaging of planar cell polarity proteins in vivo
2021 In Cytoskeleton (pp. 3-24). Humana Wöllert, T., et al. Super-Resolution Imaging of the Actin Cytoskeleton in Living Cells Using TIRF-SIM
2021 Analytical Biochemistry Schmidt, C., et al. Fluorescence-encoded Poly (methyl metharcylate) nanoparticles for a lateral flow assay detecting IgM autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis
2021 Human Genetics Schmidt, J., et al. Biallelic variants in YRDC cause a developmental disorder with progeroid features
2021 Cells Mangold, N., et al. The Atypical Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) Guards Podocytes from Apoptosis in Glomerular Disease While Being Dispensable for Podocyte Development
2021 Life Science Alliance Simon, C. S., et al. An extended DNA-free intranuclear compartment organizes centrosome microtubules in malaria parasites
2021 Biology of the Cell Liouta, K., et al. Role of regulatory C‐terminal motifs in synaptic confinement of LRRTM2
2021 BMC biology Tůmová, P., et al. Inheritance of the reduced mitochondria of Giardia intestinalis is coupled to the flagellar maturation cycle
2021 Development Boka, A. P., et al. Single-molecule tracking technologies for quantifying the dynamics of gene regulation in cells, tissue and embryos
2021 Microscopy Research and Technique Xu, X., et al. A protocol for single‐source dual‐pulse stimulated emission depletion setup with Bessel modulation
2021 Nature Wiktor, J., et al. RecA finds homologous DNA by reduced dimensionality search
2021 Biomedical Optics Express Mur, J., et al. Method for controlled tissue theranostics using a single tunable laser source
2021 Scientific Reports Sertel, S. M., et al. Differences in synaptic vesicle pool behavior between male and female hippocampal cultured neurons
2021 Nucleic Acids Research Vrielynck, N., et al. Conservation and divergence of meiotic DNA double strand break forming mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana
2021 Current Protocols Valli, J., et al. Super‐Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Methods for Assessing Mouse Biology
2021 Cell Host & Microbe Bou-Nader, C., et al. HIV-1 matrix-tRNA complex structure reveals basis for host control of Gag localization
2021 ACS Measurement Science Au Zheng, Y. N., et al. Dynamic Visualization and Quantification of Single Vesicle Opening and Content by Coupling Vesicle Impact Electrochemical Cytometry with Confocal Microscopy
2021 Kidney International Butt, L., et al. A mathematical estimation of the physical forces driving podocyte detachment
2021 Nature Communications Schützmann, M. P., et al. Endo-lysosomal Aβ concentration and pH trigger formation of Aβ oligomers that potently induce Tau missorting
2021 Microscopy Today Rehman, J., et al. See You at the Molecular Scale
2021 Cell Death & Disease Bernhem, K., et al. Super-resolution microscopy reveals that Na+/K+-ATPase signaling protects against glucose-induced apoptosis by deactivating Bad
2021 Angewandte Chemie Schneider, A. F. L., et al. Cell‐Permeable Nanobodies Allow Dual‐Color Super‐Resolution Microscopy in Untransfected Living Cells
2021 STAR protocols Kedia, S., et al. Quantifying molecular aggregation by super resolution microscopy within an excitatory synapse from mouse hippocampal neurons
2021 ACS Photonics Descloux, A. C., et al. Experimental Combination of Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging with Structured Illumination Microscopy for Large Fields-of-View
2021 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes Urbach, J., et al. Conserved GxxxG and WN motifs of MIC13 are essential for bridging two MICOS subcomplexes
2021 Cells Yousefi, R., et al. Influence of subcellular localization and functional state on protein turnover
2021 Neuropharmacology Szabó, Í., et al. N, N-Dimethyltryptamine attenuates spreading depolarization and restrains neurodegeneration by sigma-1 receptor activation in the ischemic rat brain
2021 PLoS biology Orlando, M., et al. Recruitment of release sites underlies chemical presynaptic potentiation at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons
2021 bio-101 Ngo, K. X., et al. Electroformation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles and A Case Study of the Specific Host-Toxin Interaction of Lipid Membranes with Cassiicolin
2021 Neurophotonics Bancelin, S., et al. Aberration correction in stimulated emission depletion microscopy to increase imaging depth in living brain tissue
2021 Cell Reports Willig, K. I., et al. Multi-label in vivo STED microscopy by parallelized switching of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins
2021 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Gonzalez Pisfil, M., et al. Triple-Color STED Nanoscopy: Sampling Absorption Spectra Differences for Efficient Linear Species Unmixing
2021 Communications biology Prudent, V., et al. The Crohn’s disease-related bacterial strain LF82 assembles biofilm-like communities to protect itself from phagolysosomal attack
2021 Journal of the American Chemical Society Garrido-Charles, A., et al. Fast Photoswitchable Molecular Prosthetics Control Neuronal Activity in the Cochlea
2021 Glia Welle, A., et al. Epigenetic control of region‐specific transcriptional programs in mouse cerebellar and cortical astrocytes
2021 Science advances Moro, A., et al. Dynamin controls neuropeptide secretion by organizing dense-core vesicle fusion sites
2021 ACS nano Konen, T., et al. The Positive Switching Fluorescent Protein Padron2 Enables Live-Cell Reversible Saturable Optical Linear Fluorescence Transitions (RESOLFT) Nanoscopy without Sequential Illumination Steps
2021 Nature communications Wood, A. J., et al. FKRP-dependent glycosylation of fibronectin regulates muscle pathology in muscular dystrophy
2021 Nature communications Fläschner, G., et al. Rheology of rounded mammalian cells over continuous high-frequencies
2021 Journal of Cell Biology Meitinger, F., et al. TRIM37 prevents formation of condensate-organized ectopic spindle poles to ensure mitotic fidelity
2021 Engineering Wang, Y., et al. Fluorescence nanoscopy in neuroscience
2021 Virologie Arone, C., et al. Illuminating the nanoscopic world of viruses by fluorescence super-resolution microscopy
2021 Free Radical Biology and Medicine Prescher, N., et al. The migration behavior of human glioblastoma cells is influenced by the redox-sensitive human macrophage capping protein CAPG
2021 Cancer research Matthias, J., et al. Cytoplasmic localization of prostate-specific membrane antigen inhibitors may confer advantages for targeted cancer therapies
2021 Acta neuropathologica communications Marks, D., et al. Amyloid precursor protein elevates fusion of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies in human hippocampal areas with high plaque load
2021 Chemistry Grimm, F., et al. Rhodamines with a Chloronicotinic Acid Fragment for Live Cell Superresolution STED Microscopy
2021 Communications biology Sajman, J., et al. Adhering interacting cells to two opposing coverslips allows super-resolution imaging of cell-cell interfaces
2021 Histochemistry and Cell Biology Zhou, L., et al. Binding of gephyrin to microtubules is regulated by its phosphorylation at Ser270
2021 Scientific reports Soliman, K., et al. Predicting the membrane permeability of organic fluorescent probes by the deep neural network based lipophilicity descriptor DeepFl-LogP
2021 Nature Computational Science Tameling, C., et al. Colocalization for super-resolution microscopy via optimal transport
2021 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Capilla-Pérez, L., et al. The synaptonemal complex imposes crossover interference and heterochiasmy in Arabidopsis
2021 Cell Reports Jähne, S., et al. Presynaptic activity and protein turnover are correlated at the single-synapse level
2021 PloS Pathogens Diehl, M., et al. Co-chaperone involvement in knob biogenesis implicates host-derived chaperones in malaria virulence
2021 Nature communications Prieto, M., et al. Missense mutation of Fmr1 results in impaired AMPAR-mediated plasticity and socio-cognitive deficits in mice
2021 Viruses Chojnacki, J., et al. Super-Resolution STED Microscopy-Based Mobility Studies of the Viral Env Protein at HIV-1 Assembly Sites of Fully Infected T-Cells
2021 Nature communications Eshraghi, M., et al. Mutant Huntingtin stalls ribosomes and represses protein synthesis in a cellular model of Huntington disease
2021 Nature communications Schmidt, R., et al. MINFLUX nanometer-scale 3D imaging and microsecond-range tracking on a common fluorescence microscope
2021 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Fukaya, R., et al. Rapid Ca2+ channel accumulation contributes to cAMP-mediated increase in transmission at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses
2021 Nature communications Hilbert, L., et al. Transcription organizes euchromatin via microphase separation
2021 Bioorganic Chemistry Biagiotti, G., et al. Combining cross-coupling reaction and Knoevenagel condensation in the synthesis of glyco-BODIPY probes for DC-SIGN super-resolution bioimaging
2021 Chromosome Research Ferreira, L. T., et al. SOGA1 and SOGA2/MTCL1 are CLASP-interacting proteins required for faithful chromosome segregation in human cells
2021 Scientific reports Malek, N., et al. The origin of the expressed retrotransposed gene ACTBL2 and its influence on human melanoma cells’ motility and focal adhesion formation
2021 The Plant Cell Kurzbauer, M. T., et al. ATM controls meiotic DNA double-strand break formation and recombination and affects synaptonemal complex organization in plants
2021 Journal of Cell Biology Tian, Y., et al. Superresolution characterization of core centriole architecture
2021 Small Hebisch, E., et al. Nanostraw‐Assisted Cellular Injection of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds via Direct Membrane Opening
2021 IScience Kedia, S., et al. Alteration in synaptic nanoscale organization dictates amyloidogenic processing in Alzheimer’s disease
2021 Nano Select Garvas, M., et al. Single cell temperature probed by Eu+ 3 doped TiO2 nanoparticles luminescence
2021 Journal of extracellular vesicles Benet, S., et al. Dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated to a SIGLEC1 null variant that limits antigen exchange via trafficking extracellular vesicles
2021 Journal of Neurochemistry Saal, K. A., et al. Rho‐kinase inhibition by fasudil modulates pre‐synaptic vesicle dynamics
2020 Small Methods Bernabé‐Rubio, M., et al. Adaptive lipid immiscibility and membrane remodeling are active functional determinants of primary ciliogenesis
2020 Neuron Henneberger, C., et al. LTP induction boosts glutamate spillover by driving withdrawal of perisynaptic astroglia
2020 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Wunderlich, L. C., et al. Superresolving the kidney—a practical comparison of fluorescence nanoscopy of the glomerular filtration barrier
2020 Frontiers in Pharmacology Nógrádi, B., et al. Upregulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-, LRR-and pyrin domain-containing protein 3 in motoneurons following peripheral nerve injury in mice
2020 Scientific reports Gürth, C. M., et al. Synaptic activity and strength are reflected by changes in the post-synaptic secretory pathway
2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sender, V., et al. Capillary leakage provides nutrients and antioxidants for rapid pneumococcal proliferation in influenza-infected lower airways
2020 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Pechstein, J., et al. The Coxiella burnetii T4SS Effector AnkF Is Important for Intracellular Replication
2020 Journal of Cell Biology Wakana, Y., et al. The ER cholesterol sensor SCAP promotes CARTS biogenesis at ER–Golgi membrane contact sites
2020 Advanced Materials Kokot, H., et al. Prediction of chronic inflammation for inhaled particles: The impact of material cycling and quarantining in the lung epithelium
2020 Nature genetics Szabo, Q., et al. Regulation of single-cell genome organization into TADs and chromatin nanodomains
2020 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Valverde-Pozo, J., et al. Detection by fluorescence microscopy of N-aminopeptidases in bacteria using an ICT sensor with multiphoton excitation: Usefulness for super-resolution microscopy
2020 Nature communications Platzer, R., et al. Unscrambling fluorophore blinking for comprehensive cluster detection via photoactivated localization microscopy
2020 Gastroenterology Awad, M. M., et al. Human Plasminogen Exacerbates Clostridioides difficile Enteric Disease and Alters the Spore Surface
2020 Materials Science and Engineering: C Preis, E., et al. Biocompatible indocyanine green loaded PLA nanofibers for in situ antimicrobial photodynamic therapy
2020 Nature communications Garbett, D., et al. T-Plastin reinforces membrane protrusions to bridge matrix gaps during cell migration
2020 Blood advances Simpson, S. R., et al. Platelets function as an acute viral reservoir during HIV-1 infection by harboring virus and T-cell complex formation
2020 Neurotoxicity Research Valdinocci, D., et al. Alpha-synuclein aggregates associated with mitochondria in tunnelling nanotubes
2020 Nature communications Eichel, M. A., et al. CMTM6 expressed on the adaxonal Schwann cell surface restricts axonal diameters in peripheral nerves
2020 Plant direct Schnorrenberg, S., et al. Live‐cell RESOLFT nanoscopy of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana
2020 Journal of Biological Chemistry Rangarajan, E. S., et al. A distinct talin2 structure directs isoform specificity in cell adhesion
2020 Ultramicroscopy Qiu, S., et al. Graphene encapsulation enabled high-throughput atom probe tomography of liquid specimens
2020 Cell reports Mazaré, N., et al. Local translation in perisynaptic astrocytic processes is specific and changes after fear conditioning
2020 Cell reports Rujas, E., et al. Affinity for the interface underpins potency of antibodies operating in membrane environments
2020 Life science alliance Anand, R., et al. MIC26 and MIC27 cooperate to regulate cardiolipin levels and the landscape of OXPHOS complexes
2020 Cell reports Holderith, N., et al. A high-resolution method for quantitative molecular analysis of functionally characterized individual synapses
2020 Scientific reports Lavoie-Cardinal, F., et al. Neuronal activity remodels the F-actin based submembrane lattice in dendrites but not axons of hippocampal neurons
2020 European Biophysics Journal Wohl, I., et al. Fast and synchronized fluctuations of cortical actin negatively correlate with nucleoli liquid–liquid phase separation in T cells
2020 Chemical science Poc, P., et al. Interrogating surface versus intracellular transmembrane receptor populations using cell-impermeable SNAP-tag substrates
2020 Nature communications Léger, P., et al. NSs amyloid formation is associated with the virulence of Rift Valley fever virus in mice
2020 BMC biology Najdrová, V., et al. The evolution of the Puf superfamily of proteins across the tree of eukaryotes
2020 EMBO molecular medicine Dieter, A., et al. μLED‐based optical cochlear implants for spectrally selective activation of the auditory nerve
2020 Chemical science Bucevičius, J., et al. Enhancing the biocompatibility of rhodamine fluorescent probes by a neighbouring group effect
2020 The EMBO journal Stephan, T., et al. MICOS assembly controls mitochondrial inner membrane remodeling and crista junction redistribution to mediate cristae formation
2020 ACS nano Grußmayer, K., et al. Self-blinking dyes unlock high-order and multiplane super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging
2020 Nature communications Rudolph, F., et al. Deconstructing sarcomeric structure–function relations in titin-BioID knock-in mice
2020 Nature communications Zhang, T., et al. Anapole mediated giant photothermal nonlinearity in nanostructured silicon
2020 Medical microbiology and immunology Finke, J., et al. HPV caught in the tetraspanin web?
2020 ACS photonics Barbotin, A., et al. Background reduction in STED-FCS using a bivortex phase mask
2020 Nature communications Toda, H., et al. Plasma-derived extracellular vesicles from Plasmodium vivax patients signal spleen fibroblasts via NF-kB facilitating parasite cytoadherence
2020 Cells Tröger, J., et al. Comparison of Multiscale Imaging Methods for Brain Research
2020 Journal of Biophotonics Lucidi, M., et al. STED nanoscopy of KK114‐stained pathogenic bacteria
2020 Cells Begemann, I., et al. Parallel Acquisition of Plasma Membrane Ultrastructure and Cytosolic Protein Localisation in Cultured Cells via Correlated Immunogold SEM
2020 Nature cell biology Zhang, R., et al. Dynamin regulates the dynamics and mechanical strength of the actin cytoskeleton as a multifilament actin-bundling protein
2020 The Journal of organic chemistry Belov, V. N., et al. Synthesis of Fluorescent Jasplakinolide Analogues for Live-Cell STED Microscopy of Actin
2020 Scientific reports Zong, Y., et al. Phosphatidylserine positive microparticles improve hemostasis in in-vitro hemophilia A plasma models
2020 JCI insight Schinner, C., et al. Stabilization of desmoglein-2 binding rescues arrhythmia in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
2019 Biomedical Optics Express Koho, S. V., et al. Two-photon image-scanning microscopy with SPAD array and blind image reconstruction
2020 Nanoscale Sograte-Idrissi, S., et al. Circumvention of common labelling artefacts using secondary nanobodies
2020 Cell Sanders, D. W., et al. Competing protein-RNA interaction networks control multiphase intracellular organization
2020 Cell Guillén-Boixet, J., et al. RNA-induced conformational switching and clustering of G3BP drive stress granule assembly by condensation
2020 Vaccine Hirsch, J., et al. E. coli production process yields stable dengue 1 virus-sized particles (VSPs)
2020 Journal of Biological Chemistry Stanly, T. A., et al. The cortical actin network regulates avidity-dependent binding of hyaluronan by the lymphatic vessel endothelial receptor LYVE-1
2020 Cancers Pachathundikandi, S. K., et al. Helicobacter pylori Avoids the Critical Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Production of Oncogenic Mature IL-1β in Human Immune Cells
2020 Organic & biomolecular chemistry Gerasimaitė, R., et al. Efflux pump insensitive rhodamine–jasplakinolide conjugates for G- and F-actin imaging in living cells
2020 Scientific reports Finke, J., et al. Anatomy of a viral entry platform differentially functionalized by integrins α3 and α6
2020 Nucleic acids research Kochanova, N. Y., et al. A multi-layered structure of the interphase chromocenter revealed by proximity-based biotinylation
2020 Cell reports Lüningschrör, P., et al. The FTLD risk factor TMEM106B regulates the transport of lysosomes at the axon initial segment of motoneurons
2020 Journal of Cell Biology Ferreira, L. T., et al. α-Tubulin detyrosination impairs mitotic error correction by suppressing MCAK centromeric activity
2020 Scientific reports Martínez, G. F., et al. Quantitative expansion microscopy for the characterization of the spectrin periodic skeleton of axons using fluorescence microscopy
2020 EMBO reports Kondadi, A. K., et al. Cristae undergo continuous cycles of membrane remodelling in a MICOS‐dependent manner
2020 Cell reports Ivanova, D., et al. CtBP1-mediated membrane fission contributes to effective recycling of synaptic vesicles
2020 Optics express Vinçon, B., et al. Pixel hopping enables fast STED nanoscopy at low light dose
2020 Nature communications Steinkühler, J., et al. Controlled division of cell-sized vesicles by low densities of membrane-bound proteins
2020 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience Hefting, L. L., et al. Multiple domains in the Kv7.3 C-terminus can regulate localization to the axon initial segment
2020 Cerebral Cortex Ghézali, G., et al. Neuronal activity drives astroglial connexin 30 in perisynaptic processes and shapes its functions
2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Le, T., et al. Anaerobic peroxisomes in Mastigamoeba balamuthi
2020 Nature communications Ast, J., et al. Super-resolution microscopy compatible fluorescent probes reveal endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor distribution and dynamics
2020 Nature methods Gwosch, K. C., et al. MINFLUX nanoscopy delivers 3D multicolor nanometer resolution in cells
2020 EMBO reports Covill‐Cooke, C., et al. Peroxisomal fission is modulated by the mitochondrial Rho‐GTPases, Miro1 and Miro2
2020 In Nanoscale Photonic Imaging Egner, A., et al. STED Nanoscopy
2020 In Nanoscale Photonic Imaging Keller-Findeisen, J., et al. Quantifying molecule numbers in STED/RESOLFT fluorescence nanoscopy
2019 Cell reports Razvag, Y., et al. T cell activation through isolated tight contacts
2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Rudolph, F., et al. Resolving titin’s lifecycle and the spatial organization of protein turnover in mouse cardiomyocytes
2019 Scientific reports Albertsson, I., et al. Functional interactions between nitrite reductase and nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans
2019 ACS nano Hedde, P. N., et al. Pair correlation analysis maps the dynamic two-dimensional organization of natural killer cell receptors at the synapse
2019 Current Biology Zielinska, A. P., et al. Meiotic kinetochores fragment into multiple lobes upon cohesin loss in aging eggs
2019 MBio Zila, V., et al. Analysis of CA content and CPSF6 dependence of early HIV-1 replication complexes in SupT1-R5 cells
2019 Cell Beutel, O., et al. Phase separation of zonula occludens proteins drives formation of tight junctions
2019 Nature microbiology Neufeldt, C. J., et al. ER-shaping atlastin proteins act as central hubs to promote flavivirus replication and virion assembly
2019 Nature methods Inavalli, V. K., et al. A super-resolution platform for correlative live single-molecule imaging and STED microscopy
2019 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Deguchi, T., et al. Density and function of actin-microdomains in healthy and NF1 deficient osteoclasts revealed by the combined use of atomic force and stimulated emission depletion microscopy
2019 The FASEB Journal Klotz, L., et al. Localization of group II and III metabotropic glutamate receptors at pre‐and postsynaptic sites of inner hair cell ribbon synapses
2019 Science advances Favard, C., et al. HIV-1 Gag specifically restricts PI (4, 5) P2 and cholesterol mobility in living cells creating a nanodomain platform for virus assembly
2019 Scientific reports Hochheimer, N., et al. Classes of non-conventional tetraspanins defined by alternative splicing
2019 Nature communications Götzke, H., et al. The ALFA-tag is a highly versatile tool for nanobody-based bioscience applications
2019 Scientific reports Stephan, T., et al. Live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondrial cristae
2019 Acta neuropathologica communications Haskó, J., et al. Response of the neurovascular unit to brain metastatic breast cancer cells
2019 Nature communications Bartok, A., et al. IP3 receptor isoforms differently regulate ER-mitochondrial contacts and local calcium transfer
2019 Journal of Cell Biology Gong, J., et al. Gulp1 controls Eph/ephrin trogocytosis and is important for cell rearrangements during development
2019 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience Schlüter, A., et al. Dynamic regulation of synaptopodin and the axon initial segment in retinal ganglion cells during postnatal development
2019 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research Kumar, R., et al. Cell spread area and traction forces determine myosin-II-based cortex thickness regulation
2019 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Wurm, C. A., et al. Correlative STED super-resolution light and electron microscopy on resin sections
2019 Cell reports Wagner, W., et al. Myosin VI drives clathrin-mediated AMPA receptor endocytosis to facilitate cerebellar long-term depression
2019 PloS one Abariute, L., et al. Uptake of nanowires by human lung adenocarcinoma cells
2019 Nature communications Comerci, C. J., et al. Topologically-guided continuous protein crystallization controls bacterial surface layer self-assembly
2019 Viruses Kummer, S., et al. IFITM3 clusters on virus containing endosomes and lysosomes early in the influenza A infection of human airway epithelial cells
2019 PLoS genetics Silva Ramos, E., et al. Mitochondrial fusion is required for regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication
2019 PLoS biology Basnayake, K., et al. Fast calcium transients in dendritic spines driven by extreme statistics
2019 Nature microbiology Perez-Zsolt, D., et al. Anti-Siglec-1 antibodies block Ebola viral uptake and decrease cytoplasmic viral entry
2019 Nature communications Salvarani, N., et al. The K219T-Lamin mutation induces conduction defects through epigenetic inhibition of SCN5A in human cardiac laminopathy
2019 Elife Mikuličić, S., et al. ADAM17-dependent signaling is required for oncogenic human papillomavirus entry platform assembly
2019 Nanoscale Janel, S., et al. Stiffness tomography of eukaryotic intracellular compartments by atomic force microscopy
2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Stoldt, S., et al. Mic60 exhibits a coordinated clustered distribution along and across yeast and mammalian mitochondria
2019 Nanoscale Bergstrand, J., et al. Super-resolution microscopy can identify specific protein distribution patterns in platelets incubated with cancer cells
2019 ChemBioChem Grimm, F., et al. Green‐Emitting Rhodamine Dyes for Vital Labeling of Cell Organelles Using STED Super‐Resolution Microscopy
2019 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Fuchs, M., et al. Plakophilin 1 but not plakophilin 3 regulates desmoglein clustering
2019 ACS nano Hamans, R. F., et al. Super-resolution mapping of enhanced emission by collective plasmonic resonances
2019 Scientific reports Schloetel, J. G., et al. Guided STED nanoscopy enables super-resolution imaging of blood stage malaria parasites
2019 European Biophysics Journal Pajk, S., et al. New coumarin-and phenoxazine-based fluorescent probes for live-cell STED nanoscopy
2019 Journal of neurovirology Wenzel, E. D., et al. HIV-associated neurodegeneration: exploitation of the neuronal cytoskeleton
2019 Nature protocols Sezgin, E., et al. Measuring nanoscale diffusion dynamics in cellular membranes with super-resolution STED–FCS
2019 Optics express Pereira, A., et al. Coherent-hybrid STED: high contrast sub-diffraction imaging using a bi-vortex depletion beam
2019 Nature Lodygin, D., et al. β-Synuclein-reactive T cells induce autoimmune CNS grey matter degeneration
2019 Elife Bejarano, D. A., et al. HIV-1 nuclear import in macrophages is regulated by CPSF6-capsid interactions at the nuclear pore complex
2019 Biophysical journal Yoon, J., et al. Revealing nanoscale morphology of the primary cilium using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
2019 Journal of Experimental Medicine Weckbach, L. T., et al. Midkine drives cardiac inflammation by promoting neutrophil trafficking and NETosis in myocarditis
2019 Nature communications Carravilla, P., et al. Molecular recognition of the native HIV-1 MPER revealed by STED microscopy of single virions
2019 Science immunology Tsopoulidis, N., et al. T cell receptor–triggered nuclear actin network formation drives CD4+ T cell effector functions
2019 mAbs Maidorn, M., et al. Nanobodies reveal an extra-synaptic population of SNAP-25 and Syntaxin 1A in hippocampal neurons
2018 PLoS pathogens Nauth, T., et al. Visualization of translocons in Yersinia type III protein secretion machines during host cell infection
2018 Science signaling Diercks, B. P., et al. ORAI1, stromal interaction molecules 1/2, and ryanodine receptor type 1 shape sub-second Ca2+ microdomains upon T cell activation
2019 Nature methods Gambarotto, D., et al. Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM)
2018 Journal of the American Chemical Society Wang, L., et al. Small-molecule fluorescent probes for live-cell super-resolution microscopy
2018 Journal of neurotrauma Loy, K., et al. Enhanced voluntary exercise improves functional recovery following spinal cord injury by impacting the local neuroglial injury response and supporting the rewiring of supraspinal circuits
2018 Nano letters Spahn, C., et al. Whole-cell, 3D, and multicolor STED imaging with exchangeable fluorophores
2018 ACS nano Saal, K. A., et al. Combined use of unnatural amino acids enables dual-color super-resolution imaging of proteins via click chemistry
2018 Nature communications Durand, A., et al. A machine learning approach for online automated optimization of super-resolution optical microscopy