Picosecond pulsed lasers

abberior’s pulsed lasers are the ideal light source for fluorescence excitation in biomedical applications. They are available in a wide variety of wavelengths so there is a match for every fluorescent marker in your arsenal. Their pulsed nature is the key to superior STED and lifetime microscopy and when not in use, individual laser lines and their respective dichroics, can be temporarily removed from the beam path for 100% gap-free fluorescence detection! 

for perfect excitation

Background-free MATRIX STED image of actin in microvilli of Caco2 cells

MATRIX Detector

Many eyes see more than one. The MATRIX detector drastically improves signal-to-background ratio, resolution, and dynamic range.

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TIMEBOW lifetime imaging for stunning results at confocal and STED super-resolution.

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Neurons stained for spectrin and adducine

FLEXPOSURE Illumination

Brings down the light dose on your sample and lables dramatically. Key ingredient for volume and live-cell superresolution.

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xz section of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo, stained for chitin and DNA


Dynamic aberration correction with a deformable mirror over about 200 µm z-range. 140 digital actuators adjust the mirror surface within milliseconds.

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Meiotic cell of Chinese spring wheat stained for two synaptonemal complex components. TRUESHARP STED image.

TRUESHARP Deconvolution

TRUESHARP image boosting is next level deconvolution.

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Axial STED image of actin in mouse inner ear hair cells


3D-STED and aberration control, the easy way

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Three-color STED image of microtubules, myosin and actin in the growth cone of a neuron's axon

RAINBOW Detection

Continuously variable spectral detection.

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STED Lasers

All-pulsed STED lasers for maximum resolution and minimal bleaching.

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Every beam in order, including pinhole and STED-shape

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Continuous focus-lock, even with STED

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Excitation Lasers

Pulsed excitation lasers for virtually every wavelength.

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Things to make your life easier

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Custom upright 3D STED microscope by abberior

Custom Solutions

We offer solutions for even the most challenging applications. Everything that can be done, we will do.

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Excitation wavelength

from 375 to 1.320 nm

Our excitation lasers are available for a wide variety of wavelengths over the full spectrum from ultra-violet to near infrared. A typical microscope is equipped with excitation lasers at 405 nm, 488 nm, 518 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm. This allows the user to work with virtually every dye in confocal and STED mode.

Other wavelengths or custom laser lines are available on request.

Every laser line is coupled separately into the beam path via a removable ultra-narrowband dichroic mirror. These filters are only a few nanometers wide and have near-100 % transmission over the rest of the full spectrum. Any combination of STED and excitation laser lines can be selected for a measurement.

Compared to other, e.g. acousto-optical solutions, our filters have better transmission of fluorescence and better blocking of unwanted (stray) light. They are more flexible, too: they are available throughout the full spectrum from UV to NIR and can thus be employed also for the STED lines, while acousto-optic filters cannot. And what’s best, when the laser line is not used in an experiment, the corresponding filter is automatically removed from the beam path. You can’t get better transmission than that!

  • Image with any combination of lasers
  • Gap-free detection through complete removal of filters for unused lasers
  • Perfectly suited for lifetime imaging

Perfecty excited with pulsed picosecond lasers from abberior

Dr. Andreas Schönle. Caption: Physicist, Co-Founder and passionate Photon Hunter

Why do we usually recommend APDs in our microscopes and why aren’t we worried about the supposedly lower dynamic range?

Having too many photons is never a problem. Therefore, detectors with the highest quantum efficiency are always the best choice, such as in a MATRIX array.

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Axial STED image of actin in mouse inner ear hair cells


3D-STED and aberration control, the easy way

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