Publications with

Below you find a list of selected publications that were published with the help of our microscopes and dyes.

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Year Journal Author Title Microscope|Dye
2019 Nature Lodygin, D., et al. β-Synuclein-reactive T cells induce autoimmune CNS grey matter degeneration
2019 Elife Bejarano, D. A., et al. HIV-1 nuclear import in macrophages is regulated by CPSF6-capsid interactions at the nuclear pore complex
2019 Biophysical journal Yoon, J., et al. Revealing nanoscale morphology of the primary cilium using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
2019 Journal of Experimental Medicine Weckbach, L. T., et al. Midkine drives cardiac inflammation by promoting neutrophil trafficking and NETosis in myocarditis
2019 Nature communications Carravilla, P., et al. Molecular recognition of the native HIV-1 MPER revealed by STED microscopy of single virions
2019 Science immunology Tsopoulidis, N., et al. T cell receptor–triggered nuclear actin network formation drives CD4+ T cell effector functions
2019 mAbs Maidorn, M., et al. Nanobodies reveal an extra-synaptic population of SNAP-25 and Syntaxin 1A in hippocampal neurons
2018 PLoS pathogens Nauth, T., et al. Visualization of translocons in Yersinia type III protein secretion machines during host cell infection
2018 Science signaling Diercks, B. P., et al. ORAI1, stromal interaction molecules 1/2, and ryanodine receptor type 1 shape sub-second Ca2+ microdomains upon T cell activation
2019 Nature methods Gambarotto, D., et al. Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM)
2018 Journal of the American Chemical Society Wang, L., et al. Small-molecule fluorescent probes for live-cell super-resolution microscopy
2018 Journal of neurotrauma Loy, K., et al. Enhanced voluntary exercise improves functional recovery following spinal cord injury by impacting the local neuroglial injury response and supporting the rewiring of supraspinal circuits
2018 Nano letters Spahn, C., et al. Whole-cell, 3D, and multicolor STED imaging with exchangeable fluorophores
2018 ACS nano Saal, K. A., et al. Combined use of unnatural amino acids enables dual-color super-resolution imaging of proteins via click chemistry
2018 Nature communications Durand, A., et al. A machine learning approach for online automated optimization of super-resolution optical microscopy
2018 Nature communications Chen, Y., et al. Multi-color live-cell super-resolution volume imaging with multi-angle interference microscopy
2018 Nucleic acids research Hegedüs, É., et al. Endogenous single-strand DNA breaks at RNA polymerase II promoters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
2018 Nature communications Kamper, M., et al. Near-infrared STED nanoscopy with an engineered bacterial phytochrome
2018 Journal of biophotonics Görlitz, F., et al. easySLM‐STED: Stimulated emission depletion microscopy with aberration correction, extended field of view and multiple beam scanning
2018 Development Ravikumar, R., et al. Independent yet overlapping pathways ensure the robustness and responsiveness of trans-Golgi network functions in Arabidopsis
2018 Nucleic acids research Anselm, E., et al. Oligomerization of Drosophila Nucleoplasmin-Like Protein is required for its centromere localization
2018 Developmental cell Krahmer, N., et al. Organellar proteomics and phospho-proteomics reveal subcellular reorganization in diet-induced hepatic steatosis
2018 Analytical chemistry Wijesooriya, C. S., et al. Optical imaging of the nanoscale structure and dynamics of biological membranes
2018 Frontiers in physiology Brandenburg, S., et al. Axial tubule junctions activate atrial Ca2+ release across species
2018 Environmental science & technology Karam, A. L., et al. Development of photochemical microsensors for evaluating photosynthetic light dose distributions in microalgal photobioreactors
2018 Traffic Ringer, K., et al. The large GTPase Mx1 binds Kif5B for cargo transport along microtubules
2018 Journal of cell science Kurtulmus, B., et al. LRRC45 contributes to early steps of axoneme extension
2018 ACS nano Boott, C. E., et al. Probing the growth kinetics for the formation of uniform 1D block copolymer nanoparticles by living crystallization-driven self-assembly
2018 ACS applied materials & interfaces Murtezi, E., et al. Biofunctionalization of sub-diffractionally patterned polymer structures by photobleaching
2018 Nature communications Bernhardt, M., et al. Correlative microscopy approach for biology using X-ray holography, X-ray scanning diffraction and STED microscopy
2018 Cell Meyer, K., et al. Mutations in disordered regions can cause disease by creating dileucine motifs
2018 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids Gemmink, A., et al. Super-resolution microscopy localizes perilipin 5 at lipid droplet-mitochondria interaction sites and at lipid droplets juxtaposing to perilipin 2
2018 Science Sigal, Y. M., et al. Visualizing and discovering cellular structures with super-resolution microscopy
2018 Nature communications Pathak, A., et al. Factor H binding proteins protect division septa on encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae against complement C3b deposition and amplification
2018 Advanced Optical Materials Xu, J., et al. Plasmonic Nanoprobes for Multiplexed Fluorescence‐Free Super‐Resolution Imaging
2018 Nature methods Strack, R., et al. Monitoring molecular jumps
2018 Nano letters Urbančič, I., et al. Nanoparticles can wrap epithelial cell membranes and relocate them across the epithelial cell layer
2018 ACS nano Schneider, F., et al. Statistical analysis of scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data differentiates free from hindered diffusion
2018 Nanoscale Molle, J., et al. Towards structural biology with super-resolution microscopy
2018 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes Mobarak, E., et al. How to minimize dye-induced perturbations while studying biomembrane structure and dynamics: PEG linkers as a rational alternative
2018 Human Reproduction Ponandai-Srinivasan, S., et al. Aberrant expression of genes associated with stemness and cancer in endometria and endometrioma in a subset of women with endometriosis
2018 Soft Matter Hanke, J., et al. Dynamics of force generation by spreading platelets
2018 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Ungewiß, H., et al. Dsg2 via Src-mediated transactivation shapes EGFR signaling towards cell adhesion
2018 Life science alliance Yu, Y., et al. Neuronal Aβ42 is enriched in small vesicles at the presynaptic side of synapses
2018 Nano letters Schneider, F., et al. Nanoscale spatiotemporal diffusion modes measured by simultaneous confocal and stimulated emission depletion nanoscopy imaging
2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Eilers, Y., et al. MINFLUX monitors rapid molecular jumps with superior spatiotemporal resolution
2018 Nature Van Zee, N. J., et al. Potential enthalpic energy of water in oils exploited to control supramolecular structure
2018 Nature methods Jin, D., et al. Nanoparticles for super-resolution microscopy and single-molecule tracking
2018 Scientific reports Soliman, K., et al. Super-resolution imaging reveals the sub-diffraction phenotype of Zellweger Syndrome ghosts and wild-type peroxisomes
2018 Journal of physics D: Applied physics Reina, F., et al. Complementary studies of lipid membrane dynamics using iSCAT and super-resolved fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
2018 The Journal of organic chemistry Roubinet, B., et al. Photoactivatable rhodamine spiroamides and diazoketones decorated with “Universal Hydrophilizer” or hydroxyl groups
2018 Physical review letters Zhao, G., et al. Nonlinear focal modulation microscopy
2018 Methods and applications in fluorescence Nunn, N., et al. Fluorescent single-digit detonation nanodiamond for biomedical applications
2018 Journal of the American Chemical Society Adelizzi, B., et al. Supramolecular block copolymers under thermodynamic control
2018 Review of Scientific Instruments Heine, J., et al. Three dimensional live-cell STED microscopy at increased depth using a water immersion objective
2018 Methods Waithe, D., et al. Optimized processing and analysis of conventional confocal microscopy generated scanning FCS data
2018 Methods Maraspini, R., et al. Circle scanning STED fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to quantify membrane dynamics and compartmentalization
2018 Methods Wang, R., et al. A straightforward STED-background corrected fitting model for unbiased STED-FCS analyses
2018 Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research Chumová, J., et al. γ-Tubulin has a conserved intrinsic property of self-polymerization into double stranded filaments and fibrillar networks
2018 ACS nano Li, C., et al. Prospects for fluorescence nanoscopy
2018 Current Biology Drpic, D., et al. Chromosome segregation is biased by kinetochore size
2018 Methods in cell biology Walther, N., et al. Quantitative live and super-resolution microscopy of mitotic chromosomes
2018 ACS nano Gao, M., et al. Expansion stimulated emission depletion microscopy (ExSTED)
2018 Nucleic acids research Dumbović, G., et al. A novel long non-coding RNA from NBL2 pericentromeric macrosatellite forms a perinucleolar aggregate structure in colon cancer
2018 ChemPhysChem Hulleman, C. N., et al. Photon yield enhancement of red fluorophores at cryogenic temperatures
2018 Nature cell biology Stoldt, S., et al. Spatial orchestration of mitochondrial translation and OXPHOS complex assembly
2018 Nature immunology Brameshuber, M., et al. Monomeric TCRs drive T cell antigen recognition
2018 Journal of Cell Biology Walther, N., et al. A quantitative map of human Condensins provides new insights into mitotic chromosome architecture
2018 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Katidou, M., et al. G-protein coupled receptors Mc4r and Drd1a can serve as surrogate odorant receptors in mouse olfactory sensory neurons
2018 Journal of virology Rujas, E., et al. Functional optimization of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibody 10E8 by promotion of membrane interactions
2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Zhou, S., et al. Solution NMR structure of yeast Rcf1, a protein involved in respiratory supercomplex formation
2018 Nature communications Bucher, D., et al. Clathrin-adaptor ratio and membrane tension regulate the flat-to-curved transition of the clathrin coat during endocytosis
2018 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Vandenberk, N., et al. Evaluation of Blue and Far-Red Dye Pairs in Single-Molecule Forster Resonance Energy Transfer Experiments
2018 Biophysical journal de Coninck, D., et al. Packing density of the amyloid precursor protein in the cell membrane
2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vlijm, R., et al. STED nanoscopy of the centrosome linker reveals a CEP68-organized, periodic rootletin network anchored to a C-Nap1 ring at centrioles
2018 Bio-protocol Gaspar, I., et al. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated production of labeled probes for single-molecule FISH or RNA capture
2018 Chemical science Lukinavičius, G., et al. Fluorescent dyes and probes for super-resolution microscopy of microtubules and tracheoles in living cells and tissues
2018 Nature communications Lautenschläger, J., et al. C-terminal calcium binding of α-synuclein modulates synaptic vesicle interaction
2018 Science signaling Staaf, E., et al. Educated natural killer cells show dynamic movement of the activating receptor NKp46 and confinement of the inhibitory receptor Ly49A
2018 Nature communications Cervero, P., et al. Lymphocyte-specific protein 1 regulates mechanosensory oscillation of podosomes and actin isoform-based actomyosin symmetry breaking
2018 Scientific reports Jonas, K. C., et al. Temporal reprogramming of calcium signalling via crosstalk of gonadotrophin receptors that associate as functionally asymmetric heteromers
2018 Nature methods Vicidomini, G., et al. STED super-resolved microscopy
2018 Nature communications Neef, J., et al. Quantitative optical nanophysiology of Ca 2+ signaling at inner hair cell active zones
2018 Elife Jean, P., et al. The synaptic ribbon is critical for sound encoding at high rates and with temporal precision
2018 Developmental cell Bersuker, K., et al. A proximity labeling strategy provides insights into the composition and dynamics of lipid droplet proteomes
2018 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Irie, M., et al. Photoswitchable turn-on mode fluorescent diarylethenes: Strategies for controlling the switching response
2018 In Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis (pp. 189-195). Humana Press Bottanelli, F., et al. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in living cells
2018 In Receptor-Receptor Interactions in the Central Nervous System (pp. 329-343). Humana Press Jonas, K. C., et al. Super-resolution imaging as a method to study GPCR dimers and higher-order oligomers
2017 Science signaling Samuelsson, M., et al. RhoB Controls the Rab11-mediated Recycling and Surface Reappearance of LFA-1 in Migrating T Lymphocytes
2018 Kidney international Unnersjö-Jess, D., et al. Confocal super-resolution imaging of the glomerular filtration barrier enabled by tissue expansion
2017 Analytical chemistry Ochmann, S. E., et al. Optical nanoantenna for single molecule-based detection of zika virus nucleic acids without molecular multiplication
2017 Scientific reports Mitronova, G. Y., et al. High-affinity functional fluorescent ligands for human β-adrenoceptors
2017 Biophysical journal Sezgin, E., et al. Polarity-sensitive probes for superresolution stimulated emission depletion microscopy
2017 Nature Review Materials Pacchioni, G., et al. Super-resolution microscopy: Always look on the bright side of the fluorophore
2017 Nature communications Richardson, D. S., et al. SRpHi ratiometric pH biosensors for super-resolution microscopy
2017 Nature communications Chojnacki, J., et al. Envelope glycoprotein mobility on HIV-1 particles depends on the virus maturation state
2017 Neuron Reddy-Alla, S., et al. Stable positioning of Unc13 restricts synaptic vesicle fusion to defined release sites to promote synchronous neurotransmission
2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Heine, J., et al. Adaptive-illumination STED nanoscopy
2017 Scientific reports Oracz, J., et al. Photobleaching in STED nanoscopy and its dependence on the photon flux applied for reversible silencing of the fluorophore
2017 Alzheimer's research & therapy Schedin-Weiss, S., et al. Monoamine oxidase B is elevated in Alzheimer disease neurons, is associated with γ-secretase and regulates neuronal amyloid β-peptide levels
2017 Scientific reports Ungewiß, H., et al. Desmoglein 2 regulates the intestinal epithelial barrier via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
2017 EMBO reports Kohli, P., et al. The ciliary membrane‐associated proteome reveals actin‐binding proteins as key components of cilia
2017 Photonics Korobchevskaya, K., et al. Exploring the potential of airyscan microscopy for live cell imaging
2017 Beilstein journal of nanotechnology Tavernaro, I., et al. Bright fluorescent silica-nanoparticle probes for high-resolution STED and confocal microscopy
2017 Nature communications Natale, F., et al. Identification of the elementary structural units of the DNA damage response
2017 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience Picher, M. M., et al. Rab interacting molecules 2 and 3 directly interact with the pore-forming CaV1. 3 Ca2+ channel subunit and promote its membrane expression
2017 Scientific reports Sjöholm, J., et al. The lateral distance between a proton pump and ATP synthase determines the ATP-synthesis rate
2017 Elife Mücksch, F., et al. Synchronized HIV assembly by tunable PIP2 changes reveals PIP2 requirement for stable Gag anchoring
2017 Biomedical optics express Wang, S., et al. Development of bimolecular fluorescence complementation using rsEGFP2 for detection and super-resolution imaging of protein-protein interactions in live cells
2017 Journal of Experimental Medicine Iovino, F., et al. pIgR and PECAM-1 bind to pneumococcal adhesins RrgA and PspC mediating bacterial brain invasion
2017 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Peng, S., et al. Single‐Molecule Photoactivation FRET: A General and Easy‐To‐Implement Approach To Break the Concentration Barrier
2013 In Fluorescence Microscopy: From Principles to Biological Applications. John Wiley & Sons Gould, T. J., et al. STED microscopy
2017 Cell chemical biology Sakin, V., et al. A versatile tool for live-cell imaging and super-resolution nanoscopy studies of HIV-1 Env distribution and mobility
2017 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience Curry, N., et al. Correlative STED and atomic force microscopy on live astrocytes reveals plasticity of cytoskeletal structure and membrane physical properties during polarized migration
2017 Scientific reports Winter, F. R., et al. Multicolour nanoscopy of fixed and living cells with a single STED beam and hyperspectral detection
2017 Molecular biology of the cell Schneider, F., et al. Diffusion of lipids and GPI-anchored proteins in actin-free plasma membrane vesicles measured by STED-FCS
2017 Biochemistry Jazi, A. A., et al. Caging and photoactivation in single-molecule Forster resonance energy transfer experiments
2017 Chemistry Butkevich, A. N., et al. Hydroxylated Fluorescent Dyes for Live‐Cell Labeling: Synthesis, Spectra and Super‐Resolution STED
2017 Scientific reports Popovic, Z. V., et al. Hyperosmolarity impedes the cross-priming competence of dendritic cells in a TRIF-dependent manner
2017 Scientific reports Chmyrov, A., et al. Achromatic light patterning and improved image reconstruction for parallelized RESOLFT nanoscopy
2017 Nature protocols Chamma, I., et al. Optimized labeling of membrane proteins for applications to super-resolution imaging in confined cellular environments using monomeric streptavidin
2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Göttfert, F., et al. Strong signal increase in STED fluorescence microscopy by imaging regions of subdiffraction extent
2017 Cell reports Cortese, M., et al. Ultrastructural characterization of Zika virus replication factories
2017 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research Maldonado, H., et al. Astrocyte-to-neuron communication through integrin-engaged Thy-1/CBP/Csk/Src complex triggers neurite retraction via the RhoA/ROCK pathway
2017 Scientific reports Reindl, J., et al. Chromatin organization revealed by nanostructure of irradiation induced γH2AX, 53BP1 and Rad51 foci
2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences D’Este, E., et al. Ultrastructural anatomy of nodes of Ranvier in the peripheral nervous system as revealed by STED microscopy
2017 In Super-Resolution Microscopy (pp. 29-44). Humana Press Klauss, A., et al. Diffraction-Unlimited Fluorescence Imaging with an EasySTED Retrofitted Confocal Microscope
2017 Science Balzarotti, F., et al. Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of fluorescent molecules with minimal photon fluxes
2016 Nature communications Johlin, E., et al. Super-resolution imaging of light–matter interactions near single semiconductor nanowires
2016 Immunobiology Mazkereth, N., et al. Complement triggers relocation of Mortalin/GRP75 from mitochondria to the plasma membrane
2016 Scientific reports Bär, J., et al. Periodic F-actin structures shape the neck of dendritic spines
2016 ACS nano Cortes, E., et al. Plasmonic nanoprobes for stimulated emission depletion nanoscopy
2016 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Roubinet, B., et al. Carboxylated photoswitchable diarylethenes for biolabeling and super‐resolution RESOLFT microscopy
2016 Journal of structural biology Benda, A., et al. STED imaging of tau filaments in Alzheimer’s disease cortical grey matter
2016 BMC Zoology Rodrigues, M., et al. The cellular basis of bioadhesion of the freshwater polyp Hydra
2016 ACS nano Hanne, J., et al. Stimulated emission depletion nanoscopy reveals time-course of human immunodeficiency virus proteolytic maturation
2016 Scientific reports Lo, C. Y. W., et al. Novel super-resolution capable mitochondrial probe, MitoRed AIE, enables assessment of real-time molecular mitochondrial dynamics
2016 Journal of Biological Chemistry Galiani, S., et al. Super-resolution microscopy reveals compartmentalization of peroxisomal membrane proteins
2016 Chemistry Nizamov, S., et al. “Reduced” coumarin dyes with an O-phosphorylated 2, 2-dimethyl-4-(hydroxymethyl)-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroquinoline fragment: Synthesis, spectra, and STED microscopy
2016 Elife Schnorrenberg, S., et al. In vivo super-resolution RESOLFT microscopy of Drosophila melanogaster
2016 Biophysical journal Steshenko, O., et al. Reorganization of lipid diffusion by myelin basic protein as revealed by STED nanoscopy
2016 EMBO reports Agostinho, A., et al. High density of REC 8 constrains sister chromatid axes and prevents illegitimate synaptonemal complex formation
2016 Scientific reports Batoulis, H., et al. Concentration dependent ion-protein interaction patterns underlying protein oligomerization behaviours
2016 Journal of Biological Chemistry Milovanovic, D., et al. Calcium promotes the formation of syntaxin 1 mesoscale domains through phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate
2016 PloS one Mlodzianoski, M. J., et al. Super-resolution imaging of molecular emission spectra and single molecule spectral fluctuations
2016 In Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVI (Vol. 9712) Koenig, M., et al. ns-time resolution for multispecies STED-FLIM and artifact free STED-FCS
2016 Scientific reports D’Este, E., et al. Subcortical cytoskeleton periodicity throughout the nervous system
2016 Nature communications Bottanelli, F., et al. Two-colour live-cell nanoscale imaging of intracellular targets
2016 Journal of the American Chemical Society Aloi, A., et al. Imaging nanostructures by single-molecule localization microscopy in organic solvents
2016 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Butkevich, A. N., et al. Fluorescent rhodamines and fluorogenic carbopyronines for super‐resolution STED microscopy in living cells
2016 Nature methods Niehörster, T., et al. Multi-target spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
2016 The EMBO journal Große, L., et al. Bax assembles into large ring‐like structures remodeling the mitochondrial outer membrane in apoptosis
2015 The EMBO journal Johnson, A., et al. TFG clusters COPII‐coated transport carriers and promotes early secretory pathway organization
2015 Optics express Curdt, F., et al. isoSTED nanoscopy with intrinsic beam alignment
2015 Optics letters Velasco, M. G. M., et al. Absolute two-photon excitation spectra of red and far-red fluorescent probes
2015 ACS nano Vreja, I. C., et al. Super-resolution microscopy of clickable amino acids reveals the effects of fluorescent protein tagging on protein assemblies
2015 Methods and Applications in Fluorescence Sednev, M.V., et al. Fluorescent dyes with large Stokes shifts for super-resolution optical microscopy of biological objects: a review
2015 Chemistry Boott, C. E., et al. In Situ Visualization of Block Copolymer Self‐Assembly in Organic Media by Super‐Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy
2015 Nature communications Muhammad, K., et al. Presynaptic spinophilin tunes neurexin signalling to control active zone architecture and function
2015 Methods Clausen, M. P., et al. A straightforward approach for gated STED-FCS to investigate lipid membrane dynamics
2015 Journal of Experimental Medicine Nevius, E., et al. Oxysterols and EBI2 promote osteoclast precursor migration to bone surfaces and regulate bone mass homeostasis
2015 Scientific reports Wu, Y., et al. Resonant scanning with large field of view reduces photobleaching and enhances fluorescence yield in STED microscopy
2015 Nature communications Lukinavičius, G., et al. SiR–Hoechst is a far-red DNA stain for live-cell nanoscopy
2015 Autophagy Prado, M., et al. Long-term live imaging reveals cytosolic immune responses of host hepatocytes against Plasmodium infection and parasite escape mechanisms
2015 PloS one Ilgen, P., et al. Resolft nanoscopy of fixed cells using a z-domain based fusion protein for labelling
2015 PLoS computational biology Ullrich, A., et al. Dynamical organization of syntaxin-1A at the presynaptic active zone
2015 The Journal of chemical physics Stéphane Bancelin, et al. Counting tagged molecules one by one: Quantitative photoactivation and bleaching of photoactivatable fluorophores
2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Kukat, C., et al. Cross-strand binding of TFAM to a single mtDNA molecule forms the mitochondrial nucleoid
2015 ACS nano Duwé, S., et al. Expression-enhanced fluorescent proteins based on enhanced green fluorescent protein for super-resolution microscopy
2015 Elife Siebert, M., et al. A high affinity RIM-binding protein/Aplip1 interaction prevents the formation of ectopic axonal active zones
2015 Chemistry Kolmakov, K., et al. Far-red emitting fluorescent dyes for optical nanoscopy: Fluorinated silicon–rhodamines (SiRF dyes) and phosphorylated oxazines
2015 Journal of microscopy Koho, S., et al. A software tool for tomographic axial superresolution in STED microscopy
2015 Chemical Communications Kabatas, S., et al. A contamination-insensitive probe for imaging specific biomolecules by secondary ion mass spectrometry
2015 Nature methods König, I., et al. Single-molecule spectroscopy of protein conformational dynamics in live eukaryotic cells
2015 Nature neuroscience Schachtrup, C., et al. Nuclear pore complex remodeling by p75NTR cleavage controls TGF-β signaling and astrocyte functions
2015 Journal of neurochemistry Tam, J., et al. Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) in comparison with stimulated emission depletion (STED) and other imaging methods
2015 Plos one Klauss, A., et al. Upgrade of a scanning confocal microscope to a single-beam path STED microscope
2015 Applied optics Wang, Y., et al. Dual-mode super-resolution imaging with stimulated emission depletion microscopy and fluorescence emission difference microscopy
2015 Optics letters Han, K. Y., et al. Dual-color three-dimensional STED microscopy with a single high-repetition-rate laser
2015 Nature methods Galland, R., et al. 3D high- and super-resolution imaging using single-objective SPIM
2015 In CLEO: Science and Innovations Yan, L., et al. Single-aperture STED illumination using a q-plate and fiber
2015 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience Pukaß, K., et al. Inhibition of UCH-L1 in oligodendroglial cells results in microtubule stabilization and prevents α-synuclein aggregate formation by activating the autophagic pathway: Implications for multiple system atrophy
2015 The Journal of Immunology Enqvist, M., et al. Coordinated expression of DNAM-1 and LFA-1 in educated NK cells
2015 Contemporary Physics Weisenburger, S., et al. Light microscopy: an ongoing contemporary revolution
2015 The EMBO journal Ivanova, D., et al. Synaptic activity controls localization and function of CtBP1 via binding to Bassoon and Piccolo
2015 Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application Aspelmeier, T., et al. Modern statistical challenges in high-resolution fluorescence microscopy
2015 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vreja, I. C., et al. Secondary‐Ion Mass Spectrometry of Genetically Encoded Targets
2015 In Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXII (Vol. 9330 Deguchi, T., et al. Tomographic STED microscopy to study bone resorption
2015 Cell reports D’Este, E., et al. STED nanoscopy reveals the ubiquity of subcortical cytoskeleton periodicity in living neurons
2015 Cell reports Kehrein, K., et al. Organization of mitochondrial gene expression in two distinct ribosome-containing assemblies
2015 Nature communications Fidzinski, P., et al. KCNQ5 K+ channels control hippocampal synaptic inhibition and fast network oscillations
2015 Journal of Biological Chemistry Jonas, K. C., et al. Single Molecule Analysis of Functionally Asymmetric G Protein-coupled Receptor (GPCR) Oligomers Reveals Diverse Spatial and Structural Assemblies
2015 Optics express Bergermann, F., et al. 2000-fold parallelized dual-color STED fluorescence nanoscopy
2015 Chemical senses Henkel, B., et al. Co-expression of anoctamins in cilia of olfactory sensory neurons
2014 In Nuclear Bodies and Noncoding RNAs. Humana Press Okada, Y., et al. Super-resolution imaging of nuclear bodies by STED microscopy
2015 European Journal of Organic Chemistry Mitronova, G., et al. Functionalization of the meso-phenyl ring of rhodamine dyes through SNAr with sulfur nucleophiles: Synthesis, biophysical characterizations, and comprehensive NMR analysis
2014 Nature communications Honigmann, A., et al. Scanning STED-FCS reveals spatiotemporal heterogeneity of lipid interaction in the plasma membrane of living cells
2014 Advanced drug delivery reviews Lauer, F. M., et al. Single molecule microscopy in 3D cell cultures and tissues
2014 Nature methods Hua, B., et al. An improved surface passivation method for single-molecule studies
2014 Journal of biomedical optics Chacko, J. V., et al. Cellular level nanomanipulation using atomic force microscope aided with superresolution imaging