abberior instruments
Nature communications
SiR–Hoechst is a far-red DNA stain for live-cell nanoscopy
Lukinavičius, G., Blaukopf, C., Pershagen, E., Schena, A., Reymond, L., Derivery, E., ... & Johnsson, K.
DNA, Fluorescent dyes, Super-resolution microscopy
Cell-permeable DNA stains are popular markers in live-cell imaging. Currently used DNA stains for live-cell imaging are either toxic, require illumination with blue light or are not compatible with super-resolution microscopy, thereby limiting their utility. Here we describe a far-red DNA stain, SiR–Hoechst, which displays minimal toxicity, is applicable in different cell types and tissues, and is compatible with super-resolution microscopy. The combination of these properties makes this probe a powerful tool for live-cell imaging.