

  • The central scaffold protein CEP350 coordinates centriole length, stability, and maturation


  • Pharmacological chaperone-rescued cystic fibrosis CFTR-F508del mutant overcomes


  • Exercise as a model to identify microRNAs linked to human cognition: a role for microRNA-409 and microRNA-501


  • STEDYCON smart control

    With abberior's browser-based software STEDYCON smart control, the perfect STED image is literally only three clicks away. Shoebox design meets browser-based software, yeehaw!


    Quickly and intuitively obtain top-notch STED images with abberior's LiGHTBOX software. Enjoy ease of use in every aspect – no ifs, ands, or buts!


    abberior's iMSPECTOR software unleashes the power of our MINFLUX microscpe with its unrivaled spatio-temporal resolution. iMSPECTOR for INFINITY allows in-depth and intuitive control of any microscope function.

  • Software Overview

    abberior's microscopes are operated with tailored to ease-of-use software. iMSPECTOR software for MINFLUX and INFINITY, outstanding LiGHTBOX software for FACILITY and browser based STEDYCON smart control.

  • Genetically encoded red fluorescent pH ratiometric sensor: Application to measuring pH gradient abnormalities in cystic fibrosis cells


  • Optical sectioning, or: tackling the background problem

    Confocal microscopy offers superior optical sectioning. But what is that exactly? And what about other ways to get rid of the background, such as array-based detectors like the MATRIX?

  • Where the tiny becomes mighty: light vs electron microscopy

    For centuries, conventional light microscopy was and continues to be the workhorse of labs to visualize cells and cellular details. But the advent of electron microscopy brought about a new level of detail. Let's take a closer look at the two techniques.

  • Lasers in fluorescence microscopy

    Today’s high-end fluorescence microscopy is unthinkable without lasers. Reason enough to take a closer look at these sophisticated light sources.

  • Nuclear pore pathology underlying multisystem proteinopathy type 3-related inclusion body myopathy


  • Distinct tau and alpha-synuclein molecular signatures in Alzheimer’s disease with and without Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease with dementia


  • Immortalised murine R349P desmin knock-in myotubes exhibit a reduced proton leak and decreased ADP/ATP translocase levels in purified mitochondria


  • FLEXPOSURE adaptive illumination

    Every technique that allows to observe cells is more or less invasive and fluorescence microscopy is no exception. Many imaging situations profit from a reduction in light dose as provided by FLEXPOSURE adaptive illumination.

  • MATRIX STED – many eyes see more than one

    MATRIX STED is the next level of STED microscopy – combining superior resolution with outstanding signal quality and clarity.

  • MINFLUX – unrivaled spatio-temporal resolution

    MINFLUX reaches unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution in light microscopy and provides 2D and 3D localization precisions in the single-digit nanometer range.

  • 1,4-Benzothiazepines with Cyclopropanol Groups and Their Structural Analogues Exhibit Both RyR2-Stabilizing and SERCA2a-Stimulating Activities


  • RAYSHAPE – dynamic aberration correction

    Ideal imaging conditions are often compromised by imperfections in the optical path. These can severely compromise a microscope’s performance, unless they are eliminated by RAYSHAPE's deformable mirror.



  • The SUN-like protein TgSLP1 is essential for nuclear division in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii


  • Human genetic adaptation related to cellular zinc homeostasis


  • Inflammasome activation in peritumoral astrocytes is a key player in breast cancer brain metastasis development


  • abberior LIVE HaloX


  • Why do superresolution microscopists love alpacas?

    It is a very simple yet very important fact: the localization precision of any superresolution microscope can only be as good as the size of the fluorescent staining allows. In other words, when your fluorescent dye is too big or too far away from the protein you want to label, you will never be able to reach a resolution that is higher than this offset. The good news is: there are ways to reduce the offset between target protein and fluorescent label. And one of these are nanobodies.

  • Let the cells shine with immunofluorescence labeling

    The most versatile and therefore most common strategy to bring the dye to the sample is immunofluorescence. In case you always wanted to know how immunofluorescence works and which properties of antibodies make it so powerful and at the same time define its limits!

  • STED and virology

    A little insight into the advances in virus research made possible by STED microscopy and a hint to were the journey might go.

  • STED-PAINT for high-perfomance superresolution

    The combination of STED microscopy and PAINT circumvents the physical limitations of current labeling technology.

  • Labeling for STED microscopy

    For STED microscopy, similar sample preparation techniques may be utilized as for conventional microscopy. However, the increase in special resolution requires additional precautions to ensure the structural preservation of the specimen.

  • Interview with Stefan Hell about kinesin tracking with MINFLUX (English translation)
