Webinar Recordings

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MIRAVA POLYSCOPE – the world’s only all-in-one solution for confocal, MATRIX, STED and MINFLUX microscopy with resolutions from millimeters down to 3.2 nm

MIRAVA POLYSCOPE – Premiere of the world’s only all-in-one solution for confocal, MATRIX, STED and MINFLUX microscopy

Date: 02/13/2025 – 02/13/2025 | Past Webinar

abberior’s MIRAVA is the first true POLYSCOPE. It unites four microscopy technologies – confocal, MATRIX, STED, and MINFLUX – to cover an unprecedented resolution spectrum, extending over several orders of magnitude from diffraction-limited imaging all the way to true molecular resolution.Watch our presentation and experience the future of fluorescence microscopy. Follow Stefan W. Hell, Matthias Reuss, Evelyn Garlick, and Martin Meschkat as they demonstrate all the features of our new microscope and take a look behind the scenes of development and production.

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RAYSHAPE webinar – dynamic aberration correction for deep tissue imaging

Date: 06/20/2024 – 06/20/2024 | Past Webinar

Aberrations are a seemingly everlasting nuisance in light microscopy. But only until you start using abberior’s RAYSHAPE dynamic aberration correction – for crisp and crystal clear images from top to bottom! In our webinar you will learn how RAYSHAPE dynamically uses a deformable mirror to eliminate aberrations even deep in the sample. As guest speaker we welcome Jan Maximilian Janssen, group leader in the lab of Maren Engelhardt at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at JKU Linz, Austria. He will show you how RAYSHAPE helps him to acquire aberration-free images in thick human brain tissue. Maximilian’s talk will be complemented by the introduction of our application specialist Bastian Klußmann-Fricke into the principle and the capabilities of RAYSHAPE.

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Get the webinar on MINFLUX tracking. Jan. 17, 2024, 15:30 CET

MINFLUX webinar – Tracking with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution!

Date: 01/17/2024 – 01/17/2024 | Past Webinar

MINFLUX reaches unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution in light microscopy, and it has been used to address research questions in various fields. In this webinar, EMBL Group Leader Jonas Ries, his PostDoc Takahiro Deguchi, and Master student Christopher Heidebrecht talk about how they took advantage of MINFLUX’ unique abilities to investigate the structural dynamics of the motor protein kinesin in living cells. Our abberior application specialist Clara-Marie Gürth complements Jonas’ presentation with an introduction to molecular tracking with MINFLUX.

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Exchangeable HaloTag dyes webinar: “Bye, bye bleaching!"

Bye, Bye bleaching! Hello exchangable HaloTag®

Date: 09/21/2023 – 09/22/2023 | Past Webinar

Discover a new realm for your live-cell experiments with abberior HaloX® labels and abberior LIVE RED. These cutting-edge advancements promise to elevate your research to the next level.In this webinar Julian Kompa from MPI for Medical Research in Heidelberg will take us into the groundbreaking world of HaloX® technology, offering valuable insights into its potential.In addition to Julian’s expertise, our abberior experts, Kristina and Florian, will demonstrate the diverse applications of HaloX® and LIVE RED. Say goodbye to bleaching challenges and embrace seamless live-cell imaging.

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Nanobodies for superresolution microscopy, watch the webinar recording

Nanobodies for superresolution microscopy

Date: 05/24/2023 – 05/24/2023 | Past Webinar

Indirect immunofluorescence staining is one of the standard approaches for labeling biomolecules of interest, although these antibodies form huge complexes that cause some linkage error between the fluorophore and the biomolecule of interest. Therefore, it is essential to bring the fluorophore as close as possible to the molecule. Get first-hand information and learn more about how our new nanobody conjugated abberior STAR dyes significantly improve superresolution microscopy and provides thrilling images. Katie Wolfe of Jackson ImmunoResearch and Kristina Kramer of abberior provide insight into the function of nanobodies and their advantages for IF labeling.

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Multicolor STED - strategies for multicolor imaging. Get the video recording!

Multicolor STED Imaging

Date: 07/07/2022 – 07/07/2022 | Past Webinar

Do you often wonder what strategies are available to optimize your multicolor STED experiment? Listen to our speakers Elisa D’Este, head of the optical microscopy facility at the MIP for medical research, and Florian Grimm Business Developer at abberior. See how different labeling techniques like indirect immunofluorescence, nanobodies, direct labels, membrane probes, or self-labeling enzymes can be combined to achieve colorful images at the highest resolution in living or fixed samples.

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Get the webinar recording of TIMEBOW lifetime imaging

TIMEBOW Lifetime Imaging – gives time color

Date: 04/21/2022 | Past Webinar

Explore abberior’s new TIMEBOW lifetime toolbox with our application experts Julia Menzel and Jan-Gero Schloetel. See how lifetime and STED super-resolution imaging come together easily with our phasor-based tools. MATRIX detection adds unique lifetime imaging modes and extra clarity to the mix. Watch the recording of our second webinar of our 2022 Online Symposium Series on April 21, 2022.

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Join abberior and QuantumDesign Japan on an online symposium on adaptive STED in neuroscience

Adaptive STED in Neuroscience Research

Date: 10/14/2021 – 10/14/2021 | Past Webinar

This Webinar is held partially in Japanese (Talk) and English (from 1h 4min onwards: microscope live demonstration). Join our guest Prof. Hiroshi Kawabe – Gunma University, Japan– when he presents his research on STED microscopy for neuroscience applications such as synapses, dendrites or growth cones. Dr. Martin Meschkat – a senior application scientist at abberior Instruments – will then highlight challenges and solutions in STED imaging for neuroscience based questions. He will show advantages of the abberior MATRIX detector in2D and 3D STED when imaging tissue slices and other complex samples such as densely labelled cytoskeletal structures in neurons. All live imaging is done on our Facility Line microscope highlighting ease of use and versatility for complex samples.

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LIVE-CELL imaging with nanometer probes and tags. Get the video of the online symposium.

Live-cell imaging – nanometer-sized fluorescent probes & tags

Date: 09/15/2021 | Past Webinar

Breaking the diffraction limit by the development of superresolution microscopy techniques like STED or MINFLUX, now the size of the labeling tag plays an important role concerning the achievable resolution. In the fourth webinar of our Online Symposia 2021 two excellent guest speakers are giving a deeper inside of the design and use of nanometer-sized molecular probes for labeling living specimens. Dr. Ivana Nikić-Spiegel, group leader at the University of Tübingen, will present her work on genetically encoded proteins having an unnatural amino acid equipped with a biorthogonal side chain. In combination with an azide or tetrazine attached to an organic fluorophore, this creates a fantastic labeling strategy connecting a small-sized fluorophore directly to the protein of interest. The second speaker Dr. Gražvydas Lukinavičius, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, has designed several fluorescent probes for direct labeling of structures like DNA, actin, or microtubules in living cells. His talk will show the influences of small changes at the ligands and organic fluorophores, leading to increased binding affinity and biocompatibility.

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Join abberior's webinar on live-cell imaging

Live-Cell Imaging – Next Level Labeling Techniques

Date: 07/07/2021 | Past Webinar

The third webinar of our abberior Online Symposia in 2021 is focusing on live-cell imaging! We are pleased to welcome two excellent speakers presenting their recent work on live-cell compatible dye development and their application in cell biology. This webinar starts with a talk by our guest Francesca Bottanelli from the FU Berlin, Germany. She used novel labeling strategies for multicolor live-cell STED imaging and applied these tools for a better understanding of the Golgi apparatus and logistic transport inside cells. The second talk is given by Florian Grimm, scientist at abberior. He is focusing on the design of optimized live dyes for STED and confocal microscopy. Further, he shows smart adjustments in the microscope software to ensure imaging over a long period of time with the highest resolution.  

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Online Symposium – Super-Res & Plant Science

Date: 06/30/2021 | Past Webinar

Learn how to tackle auto fluorescence in live plant samples and see how MATRIX and 3D STED improve your plant imaging. Our guest Dr. Kathryn Wright – a senior research scientist and microscopist at The James Hutton Institute – presents tips and tricks from 30 years of plant cell imaging, highlighting the challenges faced when imaging the pathogens of crop plants. Dr. Jan-Gero Schloetel – an application scientist at Abberior Instruments – images live tobacco leaves on our FACILITY microscope showing strategies to identify and supress autofluorescence. He introduces MATRIX and 3D STED to boost resolution and image quality.  

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MATRIX STED reloaded

Date: 06/09/2021 | Past Webinar

Are you struggling with haze in your STED images? Would you like to image densely labelled samples and obtain excellent resolution in areas usually hidden in the haze? The abberior MATRIX detector effectively removes this background and haze from your images in confocal as well as STED. Enjoy this webinar on crystal clear imaging in 2D and 3D using MATRIX STED and learn how to improved imaging in challenging parts of your sample.  

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Watch Nikon's and abberior's joint webinar on synaptic plasticity using STED

Insights into Synaptic Plasticity using STED Microscopy

Date: 02/10/2021 | Past Webinar

A joint webinar by abberior and our US partner Nikon! We are pleased to welcome the two speakers Joachim Fischer, main developer of our STEDYCON microscope and Dion Dickmann PhD, Associate Professor at USC. In this webinar, Joachim Fischer will present the theory of super-resolution STED microscopy and explain its implementation in the shoebox-sized STEDYCON system. Dion Dickmann will give a scientific talk on his work on synaptic organization and plasticity using multicolor STED imaging on the STEDYCON system.

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Join abberior's summer symposium on live-cell STED

Summer-Symposia: Live-Cell STED

Date: 07/28/2020 | Past Webinar

High-resolution live cell microscopy is an excellent method to study molecular processes on the nanometer scale. In this webinar, Francesca Bottanelli, Group Leader at FU Berlin and Florian Grimm from abberior, present the importance of the right choice of dyes used for microscopy imaging. A number of examples from current research topics will show how organic dyes and labeling methods can be used to demonstrate dynamic processes in living samples at high resolution using STED microscopy.

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Join abberior's summer symposium on STED-PAINT

Summer Symposia: STED-PAINT

Date: 07/21/2020 | Past Webinar

Our guest Prof. Dr. Mike Heilemann – Chair of physical chemistry in Frankfurt – presents his research on PAINT for STED microscopy. He is highlighting the advantages of transient labeling with exchangeable fluorophores in super resolution imaging such as the bypassing of photobleaching in fixed and living samples. Dr Jan-Gero Schloetel – a senior application scientist at abberior Instruments – images DNA and cell walls of bacteria as well as mitochondrial membranes in mammalian cells using chemical as well as organic fluorescent labels. The imaging is done on our FACILITY microscope showing strategies for STED-PAINT for optimal imaging and excellent resolution.

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Join abberior's summer symposium on adaptive optics

Summer Symposia: Adaptive Optics

Date: 07/14/2020 | Past Webinar

Our guest Prof. Dr. Alexander Egner – head of the Institute for Nanophotonics – presents his insights on aberration correction in STED microscopy from a technical point of view, he is highlighting the challenges faced with complex samples and provides technical solutions. Dr. Mary Grace M. Velasco – a senior application scientist at abberior Instruments America will present data from her PhD thesis on Wavefront-sensing and aberration-correction for 3D-STED microscopy followed by Dr. Matthias Reuss – Head of Research and Development at abberior Instruments – who will introduce our Adaptive Optics module. Afterwards, Adaptive Optics are demonstrated live by Dr. Jan-Gero Schloetel – a senior application scientist at abberior Instruments – He will be imaging kidney tissue sections using 3D STED and show ways to overcome aberrations using our Adaptive Optics module to achieve optimal image quality in complex samples.

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Join abberior's summer symposium on MINFLUX post-Nobel

Summer Symposia: MINFLUX superresolution post Nobel

Date: 07/07/2020 – 07/07/2020 | Past Webinar

MINFLUX seminar on July 7, 3:30 pm CEST

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The STEDYCON imaging software contains button to send data to SVI Huygens for deconvolution

STEDYCON & Huygens – Superresolution scaled up

Date: 06/04/2020 – 06/04/2020 | Past Webinar

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