Sample gallery
Fluorescence imaging, whether at confocal, STED or MINFLUX resolution, guarantees unique insights into the function and structure of life at the molecular level. Besides the scientific information content, some sample portraits provide simply beautiful images. Enjoy browsing our sample gallery.
the fine art of science

2D MINFLUX image of nuclear pore complex subunits, imaged in fixed mammalian cells expressing GFP-tagged NUP96 stained with abberior DNA-PAINT 660. The molecular resolution of MINFLUX allows visualizing the shape and arrangement of individual subunits of the nuclear pore complex.
U2OS cell line stably expressing NUP96 GFP provided by Prof. Dr. Jan Ellenberg and Dr. Jonas Ries, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.

Imaging across scales from diffraction-limited to molecular resolution: ribbon synapses in fixed mouse retina tissue stained for VAMP1 (abberior STAR RED) and CtBP2 (abberior STAR ORANGE) (confocal, MATRIX, STED) or for Bassoon (MINFLUX).
Sample courtesy: Arlene Hirano, PhD, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA (confocal, MATRIX, STED), and by Dr. Chad Grabner and Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany (MINFLUX).
Video of mitochondria in living U2OS cells imaged for 1.5 hours with STED and deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting. Mitochondria were visualized with abberior LIVE SiR HaloX staining the outer mitochondrial membrane marker TOMM20. FLEXPOSURE adaptive illumination was used to reduce the light burden on the sample.

A confocal image compared to a MATRIX + TRUESHARP STED image of nuclear pore complexes in mammalian cells stained for NUP96 with abberior STAR RED.

Living HeLa cells stained with the mitochondrial membrane marker abberior LIVE ORANGE mito, visualizing both outer and inner membranes. Confocal and STED images where deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting.

Confocal and STED image of a meiotic cell of Chinese spring wheat stained for two synaptonemal complex components.
Sample courtesy: Sepsi Adél, HUN-REN, Centre for Agricultural Research, Martonvásár, Hungary.

Fixed cells stained for the golgi proteins GM130 (cyan, abberior STAR RED) and giantin (orange, abberior STAR ORANGE), recorded with MATRIX array detection, and deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting.
Two-color 3D MINFLUX movie revealing an inner and outer mitochondrial membrane marker. Cultured mammalian cells labeled with indirect immunofluorescence using JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies) coupled to abberior FLUX 640 (orange) and FLUX 680 (cyan). MINFLUX enables the visualization and separation of both structures.

2D MINFLUX nanoscopy of the nuclear pore complex subunits, labeled with abberior FLUX 647 conjugated to JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies). In contrast to confocal microscopy, 2D MINFLUX allows visualization of the shape and arrangement of individual nuclear pore complex subunits. Here, we reach localization precisions of ~ 2 nm in raw localization data.

Two-color 3D MINFLUX revealing an inner and outer mitochondrial membrane marker. Cultured mammalian cells labeled with indirect immunofluorescence using JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies) coupled to abberior FLUX 640 (orange) and FLUX 680 (cyan). MINFLUX enables the visualization and separation of both structures.

Paraffin section of gut biopsy stained for Ki67 (abberior STAR ORANGE), Muc2 (abberior STAR RED), and DAPI.

xz section of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo stained for chitin (abberior LIVE 610, green) and DNA (abberior LIVE 550, cyan).
RAYSHAPE preserves resolution and brightness over the whole sample depth of about 200 µm by dynamically redirecting aberrated light to the right places.
In comparison, mechanical optics using a correction collar can only correct a limited z-range of approximately 20 µm

Drosophila stage 12 embryo, imaged with RAYSHAPE, stained for tubulin with abberior STAR RED and for DNA with abberior LIVE 550.

Deep tissue imaging with RAYSHAPE of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo stained for chitin with abberior LIVE 610.
Clear and detailed 3D rendering of trachea imaged with RAYSHAPE and MATRIX STED. Chitin was stained with abberior LIVE 610.

3D STED xz section of a Drosophila embryo trachea, imaged with RAYSHAPE and without abberation correction, depth 15 µm. Chitin was stained with abberior LIVE 610.

abberior STAR RED was coupled to polyclonal secondary nanobodies (alpaca VHH single domain antibodies) from Jackson ImmunoResearch and used to label tubulin in fixed mammalian cells via indirect immunofluorescence. The STED image was acquired with the STEDYCON system.

Proteins of the nuclear pore complex and the golgi apparatus were stained by indirect immunofluorescence using abberior STAR RED (nuclear pore complex, magenta) and abberior STAR 580 (golgi, green) coupled to polyclonal secondary nanobodies (alpaca VHH single domain antibodies) from Jackson ImmunoResearch. Images of the fixed mammalian cells were acquired with the STEDYCON.
2D MINFLUX image of nuclear pore complex subunits, imaged in fixed mammalian cells expressing GFP-tagged NUP96 stained with abberior DNA-PAINT 660. The molecular resolution of MINFLUX allows visualizing the shape and arrangement of individual subunits of the nuclear pore complex.
U2OS cell line stably expressing NUP96 GFP provided by Prof. Dr. Jan Ellenberg and Dr. Jonas Ries, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
Imaging across scales from diffraction-limited to molecular resolution: ribbon synapses in fixed mouse retina tissue stained for VAMP1 (abberior STAR RED) and CtBP2 (abberior STAR ORANGE) (confocal, MATRIX, STED) or for Bassoon (MINFLUX).
Sample courtesy: Arlene Hirano, PhD, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA (confocal, MATRIX, STED), and by Dr. Chad Grabner and Prof. Dr. Tobias Moser, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany (MINFLUX).
Video of mitochondria in living U2OS cells imaged for 1.5 hours with STED and deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting. Mitochondria were visualized with abberior LIVE SiR HaloX staining the outer mitochondrial membrane marker TOMM20. FLEXPOSURE adaptive illumination was used to reduce the light burden on the sample.
A confocal image compared to a MATRIX + TRUESHARP STED image of nuclear pore complexes in mammalian cells stained for NUP96 with abberior STAR RED.
Living HeLa cells stained with the mitochondrial membrane marker abberior LIVE ORANGE mito, visualizing both outer and inner membranes. Confocal and STED images where deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting.
Confocal and STED image of a meiotic cell of Chinese spring wheat stained for two synaptonemal complex components.
Sample courtesy: Sepsi Adél, HUN-REN, Centre for Agricultural Research, Martonvásár, Hungary.
Fixed cells stained for the golgi proteins GM130 (cyan, abberior STAR RED) and giantin (orange, abberior STAR ORANGE), recorded with MATRIX array detection, and deconvolved with TRUESHARP image boosting.
Two-color 3D MINFLUX movie revealing an inner and outer mitochondrial membrane marker. Cultured mammalian cells labeled with indirect immunofluorescence using JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies) coupled to abberior FLUX 640 (orange) and FLUX 680 (cyan). MINFLUX enables the visualization and separation of both structures.
2D MINFLUX nanoscopy of the nuclear pore complex subunits, labeled with abberior FLUX 647 conjugated to JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies). In contrast to confocal microscopy, 2D MINFLUX allows visualization of the shape and arrangement of individual nuclear pore complex subunits. Here, we reach localization precisions of ~ 2 nm in raw localization data.
Two-color 3D MINFLUX revealing an inner and outer mitochondrial membrane marker. Cultured mammalian cells labeled with indirect immunofluorescence using JIR AffiniPure-VHH Fragment antibodies (secondary nanobodies) coupled to abberior FLUX 640 (orange) and FLUX 680 (cyan). MINFLUX enables the visualization and separation of both structures.
Paraffin section of gut biopsy stained for Ki67 (abberior STAR ORANGE), Muc2 (abberior STAR RED), and DAPI.
xz section of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo stained for chitin (abberior LIVE 610, green) and DNA (abberior LIVE 550, cyan).
RAYSHAPE preserves resolution and brightness over the whole sample depth of about 200 µm by dynamically redirecting aberrated light to the right places.
In comparison, mechanical optics using a correction collar can only correct a limited z-range of approximately 20 µm
Drosophila stage 12 embryo, imaged with RAYSHAPE, stained for tubulin with abberior STAR RED and for DNA with abberior LIVE 550.
Deep tissue imaging with RAYSHAPE of a stage 17 Drosophila embryo stained for chitin with abberior LIVE 610.
Clear and detailed 3D rendering of trachea imaged with RAYSHAPE and MATRIX STED. Chitin was stained with abberior LIVE 610.
3D STED xz section of a Drosophila embryo trachea, imaged with RAYSHAPE and without abberation correction, depth 15 µm. Chitin was stained with abberior LIVE 610.
abberior STAR RED was coupled to polyclonal secondary nanobodies (alpaca VHH single domain antibodies) from Jackson ImmunoResearch and used to label tubulin in fixed mammalian cells via indirect immunofluorescence. The STED image was acquired with the STEDYCON system.
Proteins of the nuclear pore complex and the golgi apparatus were stained by indirect immunofluorescence using abberior STAR RED (nuclear pore complex, magenta) and abberior STAR 580 (golgi, green) coupled to polyclonal secondary nanobodies (alpaca VHH single domain antibodies) from Jackson ImmunoResearch. Images of the fixed mammalian cells were acquired with the STEDYCON.