abberior dyes & labels
Angiogenesis is limited by LIC1-mediated lysosomal trafficking
Dymonn Johnson, Sarah Colijn, Jahmiera Richee, Joseph Yano, Margaret Burns, Andrew E. Davis, Van N. Pham, Amra Saric, Akansha Jain, Ying Yin, Daniel Castranova, Mariana Melani, Misato Fujita, Stephanie Grainger, Juan S. Bonifacino, Brant M. Weinstein, Amber N. Stratman
Angiogenesis; Dynein motor; Lic1; Rilp1/2; Endosomes; Lysosomes; Zebrafish
Dynein cytoplasmic 1 light intermediate chain 1 (LIC1, DYNC1LI1) is a core subunit of the dynein motor complex. The LIC1 subunit also interacts with various cargo adaptors to regulate Rab-mediated endosomal recycling and lysosomal degradation. Defects in this gene are predicted to alter dynein motor function, Rab binding capabilities, and cytoplasmic cargo trafficking. Here, we have identified a dync1li1 zebrafish mutant, harboring a premature stop codon at the exon 12/13 splice acceptor site, that displays increased angiogenesis. In vitro, LIC1-deficient human endothelial cells display increases in cell surface levels of the pro-angiogenic receptor VEGFR2, SRC phosphorylation, and Rab11-mediated endosomal recycling. In vivo, endothelial-specific expression of constitutively active Rab11a leads to excessive angiogenesis, similar to the dync1li1 mutants. Increased angiogenesis is also evident in zebrafish harboring mutations in rilpl1/2, the adaptor proteins that promote Rab docking to Lic1 to mediate lysosomal targeting. These findings suggest that LIC1 and the Rab-adaptor proteins RILPL1 and 2 restrict angiogenesis by promoting degradation of VEGFR2-containing recycling endosomes. Disruption of LIC1- and RILPL1/2-mediated lysosomal targeting increases Rab11-mediated recycling endosome activity, promoting excessive SRC signaling and angiogenesis.