abberior locations

Main Offices

abberior Instruments GmbH
Superresolution & Confocal

Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 6
37077 Göttingen

T +49 551 9995 4010

abberior GmbH
Dyes & Labels

Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 6
37077 Göttingen

T +49 551 9995 4011
F +49 551 9995 4098


abberior Instruments GmbH
Heidelberg Office

Im Neuenheimer Feld 582
69120 Heidelberg

T +49 6221 185 2060

abberior Instruments GmbH
Basel Office

c/o Streicher & Brotschin Treuhand AG
Gartenstrasse 101
4002 Basel

abberior Instruments America LLC
Jupiter Office

1 Max Planck Way
Jupiter, FL 33458

T +1 301 661 0078

abberior Instruments America LLC
Bethesda Office

Suite 410
4350 East West Hwy 
Bethesda, MD 20814

T +1 301 661 0078

abberior Instruments Beijing Co., Ltd.
Beijing Office

Room 507-3, 4/F
No.8 Haidian North 2nd Street
100080 Haidian District, Beijing, PRC

T +86 139 1804 2226


@ Company

You are welcome to send a message to abberior

@ Support

For immediate assistance with superresolution & confocal microscopes

Call +49 551 9995 4020

For immediate assistance with
dyes & labels

Call +49 551 9995 4011

@ Sales

Please send us a message and a superresolution or dye expert will contact you to discuss your analytical requirements

@ HR Team

Your application should include following documents:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Employment References
  • Credentials
  • Evidence of relevant training